Colour Me Bad

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Yugyeom reaches a tentative hand to the dial lock. He experimentally turns it clockwise to point at the first colour- yellow. Suddenly, much to the duo's horror, the only lamp in the hallway they are currently in goes out, leaving them in complete darkness.

The sudden absent of light slightly disorienting for the younger of the two but before he could comment on that, a loud bing followed by an even louder squeek (coming from you-know-who) reverberate within the hallway. An eerily quite seconds pass as the two (well, three including the cameraman but he's not important so just ignore his existence in this-no offence camera hyung) wait for whatever it is that's coming for them when suddenly a soft yellow glow lights up in the dark hallway. Yugyeom turns to look behind and see there is a small square lamp the size of his palm on the wall a little bit over his head. He notices there are another lamp right next to it and upon closer inspection, he finds out there are actually four of them arranged in a straight horizontal line.

Figuring out the connection between the lamp and the dial lock Yugyeom decides to randomly choose the next colour just to see where it's going from there. He also contemplates weather he should just turn it from the previous position to the next colour or if he should return it back to its starting point before dialing it again. Deciding to follow his guts, Yugyeom decides to go with the first. Without wasting anymore of their precious time, he takes hold of the dialer then points the arrow to the next colour - green.

His heart beats a bit faster as he is anticipating what might be coming to them now. With baited breathes he watches as the second lamp flickers to life right next to the yellow one. As expected, it's green. Other than that nothing else happens. Yugyeom lets out a relief sigh, thankful that he made the right choice. He turns the dial again, this time pointing the arrow to blue. As expected a blue lamp lights up next to the green one.

Yugyeom wonders what will happen after he turned the dial lock to the last colour.

"only one way to find out" he says.

He turns the dial lock to point at the colour 'red' then takes a step backward while bracing himself for whatever surprise awaiting them.
Unexpectedly, the lights from all four lamps go out simultaneously until finally leaving the hallway in complete darkness once again.

A booming voice suddenly fills the eerily quiet hallway.

"you only have one chance left. If you get it right, a door to your freedom will open. But if you give the wrong answer, the door of the undead will open. Be prepared to get your brains devoured"

Soon after the voice stopped, the hallway is once again illuminated with the dull light.

Yugyeom's throat suddenly feels dry. Unconcsiously he tighten his hold on Jackson's hand, partly to calm himself and partly to make sure that his hyung is alright.

It is quite scary he has to admit.

Not letting the fear to control him, the dancing machine decides to take charge of the situation.

"Okay, I know now that we need to find four colours and dials them in correct order. I guess the riddle is the only clue we have. Come on hyung, let's look at it again."

Yugyeam continues talking as the older remains uncharestically quiet. He figures that his hyung is still recovering from the shock.

The tall maknae decides to verbalize his thought process hoping that his voice will calm Jackson and eventually coax him into talking and helping him.

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