On The Other Side

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On the other side of the haunted house, in a well lit building much smaller than the former, stood five handsome men amongst the busy staffs and filming crews. All of them focusing on one small screen in front of them.

BamBam and Youngjae are busy laughing at Jackson as they are watching him trip and fall then comically get himself yanked to his feet by Yugyeom while they are running from a group of 'ghouls'. Mark snickers in amusement while JB, who tries to hold his laugh finally bursts in a fit of laughter as he watches Jackson turns around, blindly kicks in the air and one of them actually hits the ghoul in their crotch.

It's even funnier when Jackson who must've heard the ghouls painful grunt loudly says his apologies.

"Aww he is such a nice kid" JB overhears one of the staff noonas commented and it really makes his heart swells with pride

She is right really. Jackson is obnoxiously loud and funny but no one can deny how nice, kind and incredibly sweet the boy is.

With that thought in mind, JB continues paying his rapt attention to the screen where tiny images of Jackson and Yugyeom are now in a familiar hallway.

* * *

"Ah! I wonder how long will they take to solve the puzzle" Jinyoung who's being quiet the whole time talks for the first time. He is still bitter that his 'bestfriend' refused to be in his team and that little rat maknae with his incredible luck just had to snatch the former fencer away from him.

He is aware of how shitty the wang gae park gae team luck is. For some reason, everytime both of them paired up, they would end up loosing the game. But he still wants to have Jackson by his side because every hero needs a side kick and who would be a better sidekick than his atheletic friend?

A sudden high pitch scream from the footage brought his attention back to the screen. He knows that voice a bit too well and an amused smile gracing his face. He watches as Jackson urgently grips Yugyeom's arm, clinging for his dear life as they reached the hallway. It was quite an endearing sight but for some reason, he suddenly feels something cold gripping at his heart. It's weird, unpleasant and unwelcome. Choosing not to pay attention to that feeling he refocuses on the scene unfolding infront of him.

Yugyeom and Jackson have found the dial lock and seems to figure out how it works. Now they are back to stand infront of the frame where the riddle is and trying to figure out the answer.
Thanks to the mic they could hear the conversation between the two members they are currently watching.

To say that Jinyoung is impressed is quiet an understatement. He never thought the scaredy cat Jackson that he knows like the back of his hand is capable of doing that.

'That' being able to focus on the task at hand without freaking out too much like he usually does whenever he is put in similar situation. His interest perks up at Jackson's out of character behavior and wonders if it was Yugyeom who brought out that side of him.

He always knows how protective Jackson is of the younger ones in their group. He naturally assumed the role of their hyung who'd be the first to defend them had any malicious attention or harm directed towards them.

And maybe, just maybe, his protectiveness is the reason for his out of character behavior. Jinyoung is just bitter that he isn't the one to bring out that side of Jackson. It's not that he's jealous or anything but...


Jinyoung's pretty much sure that between him and Jackson, he is the more protective one.

A loud sound coming from the screen pulls him from his thoughts. Jinyoung focuses his eyes and all of his attention to the screen where he sees Yugyeom standing just beside the door with his hand gripping the dial lock. He has that unsettling evil smile on his face which sets off all the warning alarm in his mind.

The brat is planning something evil

His suspicion is proven right as he watches a door opening slowly just right next to Jackson which has caused the rapper to shriek loudly. But, once he realized it was just the door, the shorter of the two unconsiously steps closer to Yugyeom putting himself infront of the dancer to shield him from whatever it is coming for them.

That is a very Jackson thing to do.

And Jinyoung tighten his grip on the arm of the chair he's sitting on. His brows furrow in concentration.

"That is not the right door" he realised belatedly as he watches figures coming out from the opened door.


Well not real zombies but still..

"Oh no, this can't be good"

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