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It's two in the morning.

Jinyoung is standing by the window of his darken bedroom, watching the city he loves bathed in colourful neon from his apartment on the 30th floor. He lets himself lost in the wonderment of man-made topography below him though occasionally he would shift his gaze to focus on the figure sleeping peacefully in his bad.


It took almost two hours for them to reach Jinyoung's apartment from the shooting location which was quite slow by their manager's standard. The way that man usually drove made him thought they were in the racing track instead of normal highway. However, that night, he decided to drive more carefully as he tried not to jostle Jackson too much and wake him up from his sleep. The boy had been through a lot that day so the least he could do was to give him a comfortable journey home.

Jackson was nestled securely in Jinyoung's arms which the later knew was not necessary but selfishly he just wanted to hold his friend. The weight against him and the warmth radiated from the sleeping body was keeping him grounded and assured. His limbs started to feel numb but it was alright because

Seunie's here. Seunie's okay.

Jinyoung can't help but relieving the event that happened just a mere hours ago. His heart clenched painfully as he recalled the way how he felt helpless as he watched Jackson being carried away by the medical staffs and the way he felt useless waiting for his bestfriend on a friggin cheap plastic chair while strangers were doing their best to help him.

He hated it. Hated himself for being useless when his friend needed him the most. Hated...

Jackson stirred in his sleep, mumbling incoherant words in a language Jinyoung couldn't really tell, effectively pulled him out of his dark thoughts.

Little puff of breaths warming his neck like the touch of the summers wind. He smiled at the sleeping idol, thinking and thanking him for always effortlessly and unfailingly saved him from his own mind.

They arrived at Jinyoung's apartment at around midnight.  Jinyoung decided for the both of them that Jackson will spend the night at his, which at first was opposed by their manager hyung. The man only meant well. He saw how Jinyoung was affected by the incident and he felt sorry for him. Therefore, he didnt want to cause any more inconvenience to the younger man. He offered to look after Jackson with a promise that he'll give regular update on his condition to Jinyoung.

However well meaning he was, Jinyoung still firmly but politely declined his offer. He told him that having Jackson close to him would do more good than harm to him. He told the manager that he'll look after his friend and there was no reason for him to be worried.

His manner as he explained this to their manager hyung was polite, his voice was calm but unmistakably allow no argument. Their manager acquised in his decision although he still offered rather vehemently to carry Jackson to his apartment saying that it was the least he could do to help. He was afterall worried about Jackson too.

It was quite an interesting sight to see if Jinyoung was to be honest. Their manager was quite a big man. He's a bit taller than Yugyeom  but much larger than their maknae. Jackson who was bundled up in their fluffy emergency blanket looked so small in the man's meaty arms. Of course Jinyoung wouldn't miss the opportunity to snap a picture or ten of the adorable sight with his smartphone, adding more to the ever growing number of Jackson's pictures in his phone gallery.


Jinyoung was the one to notified the crew members and the production medical team to be on standby while trying his best not to be bothered by the incredulous looks he received from them. He knew he probably made himself looked like a paranoid mother hen but he just couldn't ignore the nagging feeling at the back of his mind once he saw the figure of the first zombie appeared on the small screen.

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