Breathe For Me

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This can't be happening.
There is no way in hell.. Absolutely no friggin way!


Jackson feels a shiver down his spine as the figure emerging from the open door starting to come to shape.
It's definitely human but not quite.
Their gait is strange and the sound they make reminds him of...

"Oh no, please not that!"

There are two things he really wants to do right now. Run, hide and cry.

Okay make that three.

To his horror, another one of those 'creature' appear from the same room, then another, and another untill there are at least six of them.

'This is great' he begrudgingly thought. He is trapped in a narrow hallway and there are six friggin zombies slowly limping their way towards them. To make things even more perfect, he realizes that the only way to get out of this haunted house is probably through a door from the room where the zombies came from.

Trying to make as little sound as possible Jackson cautiously steps backward, his body still unconsciously shielding the taller maknae behind him. He couldn't help but to wonder about the puzzle. He is perplexed as he thinks there's no way they got it wrong. To make sure, he looks to check the lamps on the wall and see

Yellow, Blue, Purple, GREEN?!

He immediately turns to the younger man who's basically plastered to his back. A dibelieving look on his face as he turns to point at the green lamp.

Yugyeom knows he is screwed. He has no explanation to offer, a guilty shrug and a softly uttered sorry are the best he could give.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Jackson asks, already knowing the answer from the maknae.

"yes" he responds. "Besides, isn't this will make things more interesting?"

"You did that knowing how much i am scared of zombie?" A look of betrayal written on jackson's face. He is visibly shaken by both anger at being betrayed and fear as the creatures are slowly getting closer to them.

"You know that they are just people dressing up as zombies right? Besides how the heck should I know that it's going to be zombies that'll come out of that room? Had i known I would never do it, you know that right?"

His questions is met with silence.

"Hyung. Come on. You know they are not going to hurt you right? They're not real zombies!"

But Jackson remains silent. His rational thoughts and irrational fear are battling to gain control of his mind. His body rigid with fear and anticipation. Yugyeom was right and he knows the younger would never hurt him on purpose.

But those people dressing up as zombies looks too f****** real for him not to be scared!

Seeing his hyung in this state fills the younger's heart with guilt. There are very little things in his life that Yugyeom regrets of but the one that is happening right will surely going to be one of them. The last thing he wants to do is to hurt his favourite hyung but unfortunately that's exactly what he is doing right now.

"Hyung, I'm sorry, please forgive me... I didn't mean to. It's my fault. I'll get us out of here. I promise. I'll make it up to you once we are out alright hyung?"

But there's still no answer coming from Jackson. He only looks away, eyes fix on the zombies. Jackson knows they are just people dressing as the walking dead but he just can't bring himself to calm down. The place, the limited vision due to the lack of light and the lack of space stimulate the fear in him. The room starting to feel way too narrow, too small and there's not enough air for him to breathe. Yugyeom's apologies are drown by the sound of his own beating heart.

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