2. Byakuya broke up with his girlfriend (and nobody is surprised)

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I hide my giggles as I watch Byakuya get yelled at by his newest chick. He got caught cheating, as per usual, and he's not denying it.

"What were you doing in her room!"

"Fucking her, what else?"

"I thought you loved me!"

"Bitch please. Love is for the weak, I told you so."

"How could you do this to me!" I choked on my rice, literally everyone knows that Byakuya was a dirty cheat.

"And how could you do this to me?"


"Everyone knows your only with me for clout. To have people pity you, right?"

"O-of course not! I love you!"

"Hmph! If you loved me, you wouldn't make a big deal."

I should probably stop this, I think slowly chewing my rice. I really should. The fried rice is kinda stale today.

"You fucked another girl!"

"You don't have to yell it out in the cafeteria if your not trying to make a scene."

God what an ass. Oh wait, is she trying to claw at him? I should definitely stop this. He won't get me his contacts if I don't. Stuffing an octopus shaped hotdog in my mouth, I rush over to Sakura.

"Do I have to?"

"Please, Sakura, just this once."

"If I must, after all, my hon-"


"Oh, right."

I look at Aoi, hoping she doesn't try to start a conversation.

"So I'm on the verge of failing chemistry."

"As usual." Every exam that rolled around, Hina would fail and swear to study hard and I would tutor her. She'd end up having a competition or something to practice for a month in and end up not studying. The cycle repeats.

"Please? Will you help?"

"Alright sure, but last at least two months."

"I'll try!" She laughed.

I look back at the fight to see Sakura carry a flailing Byakuya over her shoulder.

"I am the heir of the Togami fortune, put me down instant!"

Sakura sighed, and gave me a small smile. "What must be done with him?"

"I dunno, put him down, I guess?"

"This is almost as humiliating as the time we had to lie and pretend we were siblings."

"You think that was humiliating for you? I was the ugly adopted one!"

"Its more believable."

"Byakuya, apologize!"

"I don't want your help, tit-for-brains!"

"Shut up you sad genius!"

"That's a compliment!"

"Not if I yell it out!"

The two of us hold a glare, then she starts cracking up. I let out an awkward laugh, even Byakuya smiles. We're a mess. Usually if Makoto was here we'd make fun of him at this point, but he's not. I frown, wondering what Komaru's doing. Who she's doing it with. I text her a 'hey' and turn my phone off.

'Ping!' My phone buzzes.


My mind wanders as I place a cup of lemon tea before the old man. Ignoring the way his gaze lingered on my waitress uniform, I left quickly. I've got two more hours in my shift ends and I've got a three thousand word chapter waiting for me to edit due tomorrow morning.

I hear the chime of the bell and turn over to the door, grinning when I see Komaru. She texted me earlier and promised to visit me at work to make up for the fact that she couldn't walk me to school today. Balancing a tray, I fake a scowl, "Same as usual?" I ask.

"What else?" She smiled, tucking some of my dry hair behind my ear. "Gosh, your hair's a mess, Toko."

"Uh- well, I mean uh." I flush red, the ghost of her fingers lingering on my ear. Get a grip, Toko! "Yours isn't any better, Omaru." I lie, her hair was soft and nice and perfectly messy.

"H-hey!" She said defensively, patting her hair down.

"I'll get your tea."

I find myself thinking of Komaru as I mix her tea, pouring in the mint flavored bubbles. She order the exact same thing every time, mint and chocolate chip boba tea. It tastes like toothpaste, so no clue why she likes it so much. Somehow though, when I smell mint, it reminds me of her. So I suppose that's an upside of her ordering the exact same thing.

I bring her the tea, and she cups it in both hands. "How long's your shift?" She asked, looking up at me prettily. I suppose I didn't have to specify prettily—everything she did was pretty.... and hot.

"Uhm, w-why?"

"Well, its been forever since I came to your place, so I was wondering we could hang out a bit?"

I think. I do have a shit load of writing that needs to be done. But also.... Komaru. I look into her big green eyes again, identical yet completely different from Makoto's. 

They're really really pretty. Like really pretty. Wow. I'm a moth and like a flame I foolishly chase her. 


"Uh--I mean, I can fail history it's fine." 

Komaru laughed. I like her laugh. It's nice and bubbly.

"Shift ends in two hours though."

"Aww man. I guess I'll just tell you now." She leans forward, cups her fingers around my ears and...

"I got a boyfriend!" she screams, her breath hot against my ear and my heart caught in my throat as her fingers curl around a strand of my dry purple hair.

"You-you didn't have to come close to my ear!"

Komaru broke into giggles. 

"I've got to get back to work, tell me about him later." I sigh. I knew, since Makoto told me, but I was hoping he was wrong. I should have known. Who'd like someone as useless and worthless as me? I bite my thin lips, scratching my arm defensively. 

Of course she was excited to tell me. I should have been excited to hear it. I'm her best friend, for goodness sake! Yet, the idea of her with someone else.. I'm a disaster. Maybe I'd be better off dea-no. 

I tighten my apron. Regardless of whether I want to be more than a friend or not, I should be happy for her.



No editing we post this after writing the last bit bc it's already so delayed ha ha. I ended up getting stuck past Byakuya's argument so yeah, that's fun. 

In this AU, Toko got over her crush on Byakuya pretty quickly but they ended up being best friends-ish? I dunno man but I love writing those two argue because ya girl is standing up for herself like. yasssssssss queen.

man i love toko almost as much as hajime it's insane she's so precious and i feel like she's a pinch ooc in this fic cause I'm going off of her post DRAE stuff and she's really matured in that game. 

not to fear though! there'll be creepy horny komaru soon, we just needed her to get jealous!


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