3. No spoilers but Hina's brother and Makoto's sister are together (i didnt cry)

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You know when you expected someone to be dumb, but they end up being even dumber? That is the Ultimate Swimmer, Aoi Asahina. Literal tit for brains.

"What do you mean you didn't realize what valency was? You're in high school!"

"I only passed cause of my talent, if I'm being honest." Hina admitted, tying her chlorine-damaged hair up. Her jacket slips halfway down her shoulder once she puts her hand down, revealing smooth, brown shoulders. "Anyways lesbian supreme, hows stuff going with a certain Ko-ma-ru?" Hina raised her eyebrows playfully. Should've known she had an ulterior motive.

"She hasn't walked with us at all this week. She's with her boyfriend."

"I mean, it's just Wednesday, right? Anyways, she'll break up with that guy soon enough, she did it enough times." She pulled out her phone, "Oh, my brother just sent me a picture with his new girlfriend but it isn't- Huh that's weird." She said, as author-sama regretted using this cliche set up.

"Yeah the signal here's pretty shit. Dunno why you wanted to study on the roof when we could be in my room."

"Doesn't she look like Komaru?" Hina shoved her phone in my face, I push it away a bit and my heart fell. It was Komaru, with bright neon lights bouncing off her skin and a popcorn bucket in her delicate hands, her hair sticking up in the usual way it does, and her cream sweater took up half her figure.

"You illiterate fuck duck, that is Komaru." I say quietly, so my voice doesn't crack.

Her bright blue eyes widened and she quickly pulled the phone away from me, "Oh crap, I didn't- I'm so sorry." she bit her lip. "So the girl my brother's been with was Komaru? Oh gosh I should've noticed I'm so dumb."

"Yeah you are." I said saltily.

"Listen, know that we know it's Yuta—we can break them up? He ate my donuts the other day."

"No, I'm not that petty."

"Are you though?"

"That was one time!"

"Two times. Three if you include-"

"We're not including the time with Kyoko!"

"It was pretty petty though."

"He had it coming!"

"Honestly yeah." Hina agreed, leaning back into her chair.

I slap her behind her head, "Get back to your questions!" I groan.

"Yeah yeah I'm getting to it." Hina grumbled, biting the end of her pencil through her cheek.

"Good." I go back to writing, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn annoyingly.

"But-" I glare, and she grinned sheepishly, "Isn't it weird how they started dating so quickly. I didn't even know how they met."

"Huh. That's a pretty good point. Should we ask Makoto?" I turn towards Hina.

"Call him." She tossed her book on to the table on the roof set up.

After three rings, he picks up, "Hey Hina! How's the study sesh going? Has Toko finally gone insane?" He laughed.

"Not yet, I'm afraid." I say dryly.

"Oh hey Toko! How's the study sesh going?" he tried to play it off, I can hear his smile, if that makes sense.

"I'm gonna ignore that previous comment. How did Komaru meet her new boyfriend?" I try to clear my mind, it's pretty hard to ignore Makoto, though. He had an awfully powerful voice."

"Hmm, I dunno. I'll ask later. Why?" I hear him order food in the background, the sound of Kyoko's laughter in the background of a busy food court.

"Cause she's dating my brother!" Hina screeched.

"What no way!" He yelled back.


"We could be related! Gross!"

"I'm still here, y'know?" I feel a twinge of hurt.

"She'll never leave my house!"

"Or mine!"

"I'll be forever alone." I mutter, hugging my worn out anime body pillow. Thankfully, my moms didn't ask why I brought it to the roof. I think they're fed up with my antics.

"I'll have to move in with Toko and her moms!" Hina screamed, I freeze up.

"NO!" I scream too, the idea was unbearable.

"I dunno who to feel worse for." Makoto admitted.

"Me!" Hina argued.

"Me!" I argued.

"I have to deal with depressed lesbian!" Hina pointed out, she was right. But I didn't like that she was right.

"It's my house!" I stared the obvious.

"Maybe I get the worse end of the deal." Makoto joked, "Listen, I gotta go. Try not to plan a murder, alright?"

"We'll try."


We did not plan any murders.

Excluding the tiny little 60 part plan to break up Komaru and Yuta, which I wrote down. It was all a joke, obviously. There was no way I could get a white horse and lock her up in a tower at the same time. I also couldn't get Yuta to suddenly be an asshole, or get him to cheat.

Although we ended up not learning much chemistry, her book still on the table exactly where she threw it a conversation and time skip ago. I look out the window, the sun slowly setting into the city.

"I should probably go home huh." Aoi looks outside, the last rays illuminating her skin. Her blue eyes reminded me of the sky not too long ago, before the sun collapsed and broke the blue skin—turning it into an explosion of pinks and purples and yellows. The leaves on the trees reminded me an awful lot of a certain other girl's eyes.

I have a picture of those eyes, hidden in my sock. I cropped out everyone else, because all I wanted. No all I needed to see was her her her. Her and her eyes, a frozen green being melted by molten lava.

"Yeah, you should get going." I agree, and walk her out.

I didn't have a chapter to give I'm tomorrow morning, and although it was a little early, I decided I should be getting ready for bed. My hair still slightly damp, I collapse onto my bed, ignoring Aoi's jacket that she left in my room (of course she did). I look at the picture of Koamru's eyes that I took out in my hands.

I imagine those eyes looking at me again. But I can only think of them looking at a pair of Yuta's eyes. His eyes, which Aoi said were just like hers. I imagine her staring into those ocean eyes.

I feel my own eyes tear up, and I sob. I knew it was coming.

How could she ever love someone as disgusting as me?


AN: I'll edit this.... later.

AN: EDITED. I didn't realize that ocean eyes sounded like a Billie Ellish reference. Which is weird, cause I don't like Ms. Eyelash. But whatever, I guess. Anyways, next chapter should be exciting, since a certain white-haired luck bastard shows up. Aaa I'm excited but I'm not sure what he does exactly. All I know is he's gonna fuck shit up. So yeah, fun.

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