6. Genocider Syo texts girls because I cant (I did it better)

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I couldn't hear the loud, thumping music. I couldn't feel my numb fingertips. I couldn't feel the painting she pressed me up against. I couldn't feel my lips, warmed by hers.

I could only feel her her her her.

Komaru Naegi.

I stumble for a second once she pulls away. She smiled but she didn't look happy when she did kinda like how you smile for a passport photo except she managed to give it a hint of sweetness. Grabbing my cup she lifted it to my mouth. So I chugged it like you do when a girl lifts a cup of beer into your mouth. This is a terrible idea but I honestly don't care. I would kill for a smile from Komaru.

My brain is fuzzing. Where did she go? I need... I need another drink. I vaguely remember Junko saying something about shochu which sounds nice to chug. I wonder where Makoto went?

I'm in the bathroom. Not sure how I got here ehehe. Is that Makoto?

"Thokoooo!" He spat all over me. Did I always have puke on my shirt? Hehe. Aoi will kill me if she found out but she had it coming so.

"YeAAAAA?" I ask normally. I should tell him about Komaru kissing me. I should.

"I. I am gonna. Dho a badh thing!"  He announced bouncing on his heels. Better not be murder I might faint and then Syo will help him hide the body and the Kyoko and Celeste and Togami and Komaru will get mad. Oh. His parents too I guess.


"Am gonna thwear!"



I cover his mouth and grab the nearest bar of soap because I must cleanse the fuck out of my sweet son. He bites my hand.

"AM GONNA SAY IT!" He stands on the toilet with the seat down his head barely reaching the dangling light.




The first thing I could register was my throbbing headache. It hurt every time I moved my head. Slowly sitting up, I felt a wave of shitty-ness and icky-ness. I need a bath. Am I still wearing the same clothes I did yesterday? Wonderful. I vaguely remember crawling into bed cold and wet (in every way), shivering yet sleeping immediately. I must be hungover, huh?

I get up slowly, feeling my joints crack somewhat satisfyingly. It's nice to stretch, but once I get up the nausea hits. My knees feel weak, like a pasta being cooked or something. My head throbbed. I should drink some water, so I grab a bottle of water I kept beside my table. No clue how long that's been there. Just do things step by step.

I grab my phone, wincing at the brightness. I try to find a playlist, any playlist, and tap shuffle. The bright snappy opening of 'Oh, Pretty Woman' greets me, contrasting my current mood, which is a lot more Catie Turner's 'Prom Queen'. But whatever. Taking my shirt of, I cringe as the touch of dried vomit scrapes against my skin. Gross.

There are two things I notice with my nude body as I stare at the slowly fogging up mirror. One, it is clear of bruises and hickeys, save for the marks Syo left on my thighs. Two, there's some slightly smudged writing on my arm. Should've noticed that earlier. I wonder who's it is. My mind immediately jumps to a certain green haired girl—but no, I don't remember seeing her there, and I already have her number so that's weird—anyways, I'm supposed to be getting over her, not under her.

I slowly type the number in before I wash it off, then text a quick 'hi' before I can change my mind. Not like they'd text back anyways, if they knew it was me. Maybe I should've sent like, a 'its Toko' or something. Do I don't get my hopes up.

Wrapping a lavender towel around my too-skinny-too-pale body, I check my phone. There's a response. I smile a little, then frown realizing they probably don't realize it's me. I sniffle. Did I catch a cold? My nose feels itchy. Oh shi-

I felt the aftermath of the sneeze. After quickly checking my surroundings, I sigh in relief. No death. Always a good thing. I seem to have eaten something, since I'm less hungry. My headache still exists, just a lot less painful. She dressed me in a dress with a too-low neckline and a slit, way too extra since I'm not going anywhere. I check my phone and—there. I found the damage. Quickly scrolling through her texts with the number I got from the party, I cringe.



'is this toko?'

'its mukuro'

'mukuro ikusaba'

'we met at junkos birthday'

'also we're classmates'

'You call and I appear~!

'It's your favorite not-a-serial-killer!!'


'isn't this tokos number?'



'You have TERRIBLE taste lmaooooo'

'It do be her number tho'

'Just give her the phone'

I left her on seen. Shitshitshitshitshitshit.

'Sorry, my little sister is weird.'

I wait a beat. Two. Read. She's typing, aaaand—

'So is mine haha'

I grin. I texted a girl other than Hina without ducking up! Holy shit, I'm awesome! We text back and forth a little, she's pretty blunt, which is nice.

It still feels like I'm forgetting something important, though. Something majorly, horrendously important. Slowly getting out of the dress Syo put me in, I wonder what it was. Something at the party? Did I do something wrong?

I open up my laptop, deciding that I should probably work on my chemistry homework. Complex ions. Reactions. There's a little comment I added on my essay. A little writing idea I had and tucked away to write down later.

'She was a chemical reaction but I never paid attention in class to understand her enough'

Gross, that's hella cheesy. But... why did I think of Komaru just now?

Then I remembered. Her lips against mine, her bittersweet smile.


AN: will the next update be in a week or three months? Will the plot actually become lovey dovey and interesting? nobody knows not even me

Ngl tho writing drunk characters are fun. Even if it's a little brain rotting to never use commas.

Edited: ??? None we die like men (for now)

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