5. I am sober (eheh no I'm not)

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'She imagined tracing her hand along his jaw, the feel of his lazy stubble under her thin fingers. She imagined his hand, warm and rough, trailing up her thigh. She wanted him to look into her eye and whisper sweet nothings—but she wanted the nothings to be everythings, filled with passion and love.' I look at the screen, fingers poised over my keypad, ready to edit. Damn, how horny was I when I wrote this? leaning back on my far too comfortable chair I try to think.

This chair is really nice, huh? I could just sink back in here, close my eyes and

"I brought cookies!" I jump awake, turning to the familiar not-almost-burning-cafes-down-luckster. "I made them with Kyoko before she had to go on her date with Celeste." He passed a little star-shaped one to me, neatly filled in with icing. Must be one Kyoko made.

"I thought Thursdays were your day?"

"It's their anniversary, so Celeste and I swapped." he shrugged nonchalantly. I envied them just a bit, the way all three were so honest and open with each other. Course, it meant I had a double dose of people gushing about Kyoko. "Anyways, did you forget?"

"Mm?" I look up at him, turning off my computer, then realizing I didn't save. Whatever, the chapter sucked anyways. Totally. Man, all that complaining about Genocider ruining my writing when really I'm my worst enemy.

"It's Thursday."

"And?" I grab another cookie, this time with a crudely drawn bunny.

"You're coming to the party tomorrow, right?"

"What pa- wait shit were you serious?" I think back to earlier in the week.

"Language. Anyways, you aren't getting anywhere with Komaru."

"Y- You didn't have to put it like that." He's right. Komaru's not interested in girls...

Even if she was she wouldn't love me. Not my rough unkempt hair, not my fiddly fingered hands, not these lifeless pair of eyes. "But you're right." I admit, even though I knew it for a long time.

"Alright, play the makeover sequence!" Makoto raised his fist excitedly yet awkwardly, before breaking into giggles. What were in these cookies? Yet, somehow the scene filled me with somewhat girlish giddiness.

"It's tomorrow, stupid." I mumble, although I'm admittedly excited. If nothing, I had my classmates around, they're a decent company. "Oh yeah, before I forget, there's pudding downstairs my moms left out."

"Pudding?!" He exclaimed, even though we all know he only likes pudding since it was leaked that his favorite idol groups' next song is called pudding.

"Shouldn't have mentioned that, huh?" I roll my eyes, as he gives m a big infectious grin.

Just like another grin I remember.


It's loud, the music pounding my ears. Junko managed to get one of the senior students, Ibuki Mioda, to put together a band and play something to dance to, apparently, she had to pay Ibuki off to not play her usual style.

"Well, since it's you, I'm betting you have something fancy to get wasted on?" I tease Junko, nudging her shoulders.

"Awww, you're gonna make me blush! I'm a fake bitch but I'm a classy fake bitch, alright? I've cold hard shochu and some classic beer. Unless you'd rather go for app-" She put a hand to her hip tauntingly before I cut her off.

"Beer. To start with, of course." I'm glad that Makoto agreed to drop me home. I just wanna let loose and not deal with drunk Makoto. I cradle the cup, ready to chug, when a certain small set of hands pushed me, forcing me to spill the cup on myself.

"I thought I loooooost you Toko I got sad if I lost you." Makoto stumbled into me, ruining the gauzy purple shirt Hina had lent me, I still hear her over-the-top-cheery voice yapping about how it brought out my eyes or something. The now brown beer dripping from the shirt, I groan. Fuck it, I drink whatever is left of the beer in my cup. We'll figure out how to get back home later.

I feel a tickle on my elbow, and turn to see what it is. Junko's more reserved twin sister, Mukuro, with a tissue in her hand. I give a tight-lipped smile. I should make small talk.

"It's your birthday too, isn't it?" I realize, must be sad to not have any sort of celebration.

"Oh? I never really celebrated back in Fenrir, so I don't care." She shrugged nonchalantly. I frowned, taking another sip of my beer. I wasn't quite lightheaded, but... I wasn't heavyheaded, per se. The bright lights striking a match against pale skin, her cheeks and nose dotted with freckles, really really really pretty obsidian hair spilled over her forehead. I wanna kiss her forehead. She turned to me again, her eyes (were they light purple or grey? I can't tell from the lights) slicing into mine, I see a flash of a tattoo on her hand, which was usually covered by tan gloves at school. She is pretty, I guess. Not as much as Komaru. She was talking about how Junko insisted on getting red solo cups. I like her voice. 

"I like your tattoo." I look at the intricate design on her hand. Drinking more beer (where did that even come from?). I'm still sober though. Very sober.

"Oh, thanks." She put her hand out so I can see it better. I hold it because I'm smart and know everything my mind buzzing just a bit.

I look at her and wow her face is so red eheh thats so cute. Wait-a-minute-whos-that-behind-her. I sloppily kiss her hand and follow the girl behind her. The one with sleek muddy green hair cutting across her jawline as she looks around lost. She has a half empty red solo cup and shes leaning against the wall. Her dress is cut far too low in my opinion but I don't really mind. She turns to me with bright green eyes and—



"Your drunk?"

"Moooo, I am tho thoober. Abthsolutely thober. th- soberest." I grin then look back up at Komaru. She's standing closer than she was earlier.

"Ma- Omaru?"

Then she kissed me.




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