⍣ 004 ⍣

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⍣ 004 ⍣

An hour had passed quicker than I thought. I was sat in this rustic, aesthetically pleasing café and I was reading an amazing book called 'Angels and Demons'. It was a mystery book about the criminal aspects in some religions, the book also included some ancient roman history which I found really interesting. It's easy to get lost in a good book, atleast for me it was anyway. I managed to sit and read for a whole hour without even realising. By the time I'd broken out of my little bubble, it was time to board the plane. "Oh boy here we go." I nervously thought.

My hands began to shake as I walked up to the woman who was checking the boarding passes. She looked at my hands worryingly but smiled nicely at me once she looked up. She checked my boarding pass to make sure I was boarding the right plane and off I was. The plane was huge. Enormous. A double decker to be precise. "How the fUck is that going to get off the ground!?" I say to myself. People were rushing past to board the plane as I just stood there in awe looking at the plane. Until something bad happened. HE bumped into me. Yes, McDonalds guy. "Hey watch where you're going man!" I shouted akwardly at him.
"Im sorry babe, but you're kind of in everyone's way here." He said as I realised I was infact, in everyones way. "Seonghwa by the way." He said as he went to shake my hand.
"Ava. Bye!" I rush off, cheeks turning red. I couldn't handle THAT... I couldn't touch HIS hand?! He's... I don't know... Intimidating? I quickly searched for my seat "28F where are you!?" I found it. Window seat too. Jackpot! I hastily sit with a big grin on my face. That guy... Seonghwa? I hope he sits no where near me. For the love of god. "Wait... why is he coming this way?" I ask myself. My eyes search all around me for an empty seat. Oh... my... god...! The seat right next to me? Did it have to be free? "Ah! Miss Ava! I see fate brings us together again." Seonghwa said as he climbed into the seat next to me. "Window seat? Wanna trade?" He asked.
"Nuh-uh." I reply as fast as lightning.
"Woah okay, I was just offering." He said. "You look nervous, first time flying?" He asked, to which I replied with a short nod of my head. "Awh baby, need me to hold your hand?" He asked jokingly. I actually thought about it for a second before rolling my eyes and looking out the window. "AH HAHAH! You actually thought about it!?" Seonghwa said, obviously pleased with himself. I flipped him off and put on my overhead, wireless headphones to drown out any other horrific noises like Seonghwa's voice. Seonghwa breathed out a laugh and decided wear his own headphones too.

The flight was long, around ten hours, nearly eleven. It felt like longer with him sitting next to me... It felt like he was watching me the whole time, but of course I wouldn't dare look to confirm my conspiracies. It was just a feeling.

I'd always been good at knowing if someone was staring at me. When I was around seven years old, I basically saved my own life.
For a couple of days, an odd-looking man had been watching me. Hiding around corners. Following me into toy shops "coincidentally", according to my older cousin, Ellie. He wasn't exactly sly or sneaky. I'd say a good stalker would've hid in pain sight, blended in with the crowds, NOT obviously watching me from around a corner. Anyways, I mentioned the suspicious behaviour to my mum and she reported it to the police straight away. He was arrested for plotting a kidnapping, and surprisingly, it turned out that he was the guy responsible for a murder around the area a couple of weeks back. He was then sentenced to life in prison with multiple charges on him. Not only did I save myself, I'd say I saved Sydney (not to flex). My mother dubbed me hero of the world after that and I still stick to that title today.

The plane went "ding dong" and the Pilot's voice came through the speakers. "Aaaaaand finally folks, after a long flight, we've made it. Welcome to Korea! 한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다!". I finally let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. It seems I was holding my breath as we were landing, it was pretty scary. The most scary part? As soon as we landed, Seonghwa turned to look at me and gave me a big, toothy smile. Almost like the dragon "Toothless" from the film 'How To Train Your Dragon'. I sheepishly smiled back, not knowing what to do with myself. "Well? Are you getting off or...?". As I got up, I realised that everyone, yes everyone, had already got off the plane.

Final Word Count: 846

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