⍣ 008 ⍣

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⍣ 008 ⍣

I finished making my list of things I needed to decorate and decided to google cheap d.i.y places near the campus and to my surprise, there was plenty of choice. I decided to go to a store that looked like a korean 99¢ store, it reminded me of home in a way. Checking google street maps was a delight. The street looked well-kept, almost high street style. I loved it. I quickly grabbed my backpack with my purse, put some black converse sneakers on and rushed out my room. I was seconds away from pressing the 'down' button on the elevator before remembering the painfully long wait that came with the elevator. I wasn't up for that.

I practically sprinted down the stairs in excitement and out of the college doors. I stopped. I took it all in. Mostly the people around me. "Wow" I uttered under my breath. I never really stopped to take it all in when I got to Korea. I was in such a rush to see the university and my room that I didnt even stop to think. I had one of those moments. They're rare, but they do happen.

I was... happy here?

My moment of admiration came to a pause as Samuel tapped my shoulder.
"Ava? What are you doing!?" He laughed, with a confused expression.
"Uhh. OH! Sammy! I was just taking it all in, thats all!" I claimed, obviously flustered.
"Ok, ok. Where are you off to, chick?" Samuel questioned. Always asking questions that boy.
"Getting some room decór! How about you?" I replied.
"Off to get some ramen. Well, see you later girl!" Samuel screamed as he was already leaving mid-sentence.
"Ok... bye then." I said to myself quietly. He was already gone before I could reply. Why was he in such a hurry to get ramen? I didn't think about it for long and left sooner or later. Off to the store!

Walking down the street I saw the bookstore. It looked so incredibly cool and immediately drew me in. My legs forced me to the door. I entered and... wow. It was like a dream come true for a closeted nerd like me.

Seonghwa POV

She came in and entranced me with her beauty. It was almost as if she had a halo of light surrounding her whole body. This so called human being, could've been a living goddess for all I knew. Charming indeed. She looked mesmerised as she was looking around at all of the old, worn-down books that no one ever seems to want to buy. Fascinating. "You're fascinating" I subconsciously whispered. Luckily no one noticed. She on the other hand looked at me. There it was. She threw a cheesy smile towards me and walked over to me.
"Wow! Lovely bookstore you've got going." She told me whilst still holding the prettiest and warmest smile on her face. I panicked. She noticed. She never mentioned that she'd noticed thought. I just knew. I just smiled back. "Remember me? Haha." I asked whilst scratching the back of my neck in hope that she would. "Uh, no sorry. Have we met before?" she asked in a polite way. Of course she didn't remember me, I acted like a totally different person back then. Actually, I was glad she didn't remember me. A chance at a fresh start. "Oh sorry, I must've mistaken you for someone else. I'm Seonghwa, recently the new owner of the store." I took my chances.
"Nice to meet you Seonghwa." she assured as a blush crept over her apple cheeks. Cute. The name didn't click. Thank god. "Well, I'd better get going. Goodbye!" she said.

"Please come back." I whispered, hoping for her quick return.

Final Word Count : 622

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