⍣ 005 ⍣

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⍣ 005 ⍣

As I got off the plane, I took a big, fat breath of the air. I felt cold? For the first time in a while, I felt cold. The air was humid, but cold. It was nice. Especially having never step foot outside of Australia. A change is always good even if you don't need it.

I opened my eyes to see Seonghwa watching me, in awe, half facing me, hand clutching a single strap of his rucksack. I cocked my head at him and for a split second, before he turned to start walking out of the airport, I could've sworn I saw a light blush that crept upon his sculpted cheeks. It was a sight to see.

As I made my way out of the maze of an airport, I tried to find the piece of paper that had two of the most important things I needed at this moment. It had a taxi service's number and the address to the university. I started to feel nervous. Who would my roommate be? Will they be nice? Are they going to hate me? All sorts of thoughts rushed through my head as I dialled the cab service's number on my phone. Defying my expectations, ordering a cab was pretty easy, even with the language barrier.

The cab was here pretty quick, only around five minutes so I wasn't standing like there staring at nothing like an idiot for too long. I got even more nervous as we left the airport. "Shit, I'm in Korea." I whispered quietly to myself. A small smile grew over my worried expression as I looked out the window and put my airpods in. I loved listening to music in moving vehicles. I love to look out of the window and imagine I'm in a music video. Music makes me feel free. I can drown out the unnecessary noises of the world. That means I'm really just like any other person, there's nothing special about me at all. That's probably why I've never had a boyfriend, or girlfriend either. I've never had a chance to explore my sexuality because I'm not special in any way. I don't attract people. I'm quirky, but not unique. Different but not special. I'm only different in the way that everyone else looks different to eachother. It's just who I am. I wish I could stand out. I guess thats why I came to Korea for university, because I look different to most of the people here. Im a foreigner, which makes me even the slightest bit more interesting.

The university was about an hour from the airport, which resulted in a heavy taxi bill, it didnt bother me though. How else was I meant to safely get there? Hop in a randomers car and hope they dont kidnap me? I mean that's technically what taxis are, but 99.99% of them are reliable. Theres only that .01% chance that they aren't going to do what they're payed to do, I'm happy to risk it.

I got out the taxi, collected my luggage and payed the taxi bill. I was still extremely nervous but atleast the taxi driver was smiling because all of the cash I just gave. The taxi man rushed off and I stood there and took a big breath, I felt like I'd just done some kind of charity work. I turned around to see a lot of people entering the university's reception. I thought I'd better start dragging my things to join the queue quickly or I'll be in the there for hours.

I'd jinxed it. I was there for hours, or atleast it felt like hours. Luckily, as I finally reached the desk, the lady there spoke both English and Korean. I was worried about holding up the queue because they'd have to get a translator or something stupid. My whole queue experience was me entirely contemplating whether I should just leave to save the embarrassment of holding up the queue. I called myself stupid and here I was, at the front of the queue. The receptionist was lovely. She told me not to be nervous and she ensured me that my roommate would be wonderful. She for sure lifted my spirits. "Sorry what was my room number again?" I asked, feeling a bit stupid.
"2146, miss!" She said, not phased about the fact that I asked for the third time already.
"Thank you ma'am!" I shouted as I inched further away towards the elevator.

It was time to find the room. It was on the third floor if I could recall what she said properly. I noticed the rooms started from the number 800, which was a bit odd since mine was 2146. I shook off the weird feeling and kept walking down different corridors. I went down 4 different corridors and started worrying as I started going towards the last. I told myself that if I still couldnt find the room I'd knock on someone's door and ask them for assistance in finding my room.

Final Word Count: 846

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