OC File- Aeria Wiater

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Fandom: Lego Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu

Full (Inherited) Name: Aeria Wiater

Name Meaning: "Angel of the Wind"

Reason for name: Was born to the Master of Wind along with her brother

Nickname: Ari, Ri, Riri

Adopted Name: Violet Lynn

Code Name: The Violet Ninja

Age: However old the other ninja are

Gender: Female

Race: Lego human


Skin color: Yellow

Height: Slightly shorter than Lloyd

Hairstyle: Mid-length with bangs

Hair color: Black with a streak of purple

Eye color: Black

Distinguishing Features: Right eye has a scar over it

Preferred Clothing: Black leather motorcycle jacket with matching fingerless gloves, and riding boots with jeans and a t-shirt

Accessories: None

Personal Information

Strengths: Able to analyze the opponent's tactics and utilize their weaknesses and is versed in various weapons and fighting styles

Weaknesses: Can have a short temper at times, rushes into things before thinking, and can have a hard time expressing emotions

Skills/Abilities/Powers: Wind and Darkness Manipulation

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow, Bo Staff (Formerly)

Preferred Mode of Transportation: Aeria's uncle of her adoptive family gave her a sportbike motorcycle, that she later upgraded and personalized, that was hoped to be given to the eldest boy, but was the oldest of all her adopted siblings and cousins, so it passed to her

Secrets: Likes to create origami when she's unnerved

Dreams: Helping other kids like her by inspiring them to be more than they thought they could be

Hobbies: Training and tinkering with mechanics

Likes: Training with Nya and Kai, making new mechanical parts for machines, beating Cole and Jay at video games, dragon-riding with Lloyd, meditating with Xia and Zane, and visiting kids at the orphanage during off times

Dislikes: Bullies, oil splatters in the face, losing her tools, and being attacked off guard

Fears: Being left alone again

Personality: Skilled in fighting and mechanics, sarcastic and blunt at times, willing to defend at any cost, hot-headed, stubborn, and brave

Pet(s): None


Job: Ninja

Home: Destiny's Bounty

History: Aeria was born a Wiater to the first Master of Wind along with her older brother Morro. After losing both their parents to a landslide, Morro and Aeria were orphaned with no other relatives to take them in so they moved around from town to town, hoping someone would take them in, but no one ever did so they would mainly live on the streets before being chased out. After being taken from her brother while she was sick as a kid, Aeria escaped the orphanage she was placed in, only to get lost in the mountains. After two weeks of being lost, she stumbled into a village, where she was taken in by a family who specialized in thieving under the cover of sugar farmers in a village. Later in her life, her adoptive family had her work for Ronin, to pay off a debt they owed him, for a few months before she ran away and got lost in the woods around a village called Tozmachi, meaning "bandits' hideout", where she worked as a mechanic for auto body shop manager Jeff, who took Aeria under his wing when he found her wandering the forest. While there, one night, the night after Zane and Xia "died", she was infected by a diluted piece of dark matter from the Overlord when it fell from the sky into a field near her home and, after attempting to inspect the piece, it scarred her eye and gave her abilities of darkness. After being saved from Pythor by the ninja (this part can be read about in The Second Master of Wind), she joins the ninja team as the Violet Ninja, the Master of Wind and Darkness.


Affiliation: The Ninja

Family: Morro (Deceased Brother), Unnamed Parents (Deceased)

Mentor Figure(s): Ronin, Jeff

Relationship Status: Unsure, likes Lloyd, but doesn't know how changing their relationship will affect them both

Friends/Allies: The Ninja and their allies and Ronin

Enemies: Nadakhan (in the alternate timeline), Hands of Time, Sons of Garmadon, Aspheera, and Vex

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