Training and Past Fears

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Aeria's POV

I was hitting the punching bag, with my gloves on this time, when the ninja decided to walk in, dressed in their signature gi's.

"'Bout time you all showed up." I told the ninja as I wiped a drop of sweat off my forehead and took my gloves off.

"You ready to begin training?" Lloyd asked as he pulled a bo staff out of a large vase that was full of them and spun it around in his hand expertly.

"Sure." I tossed my gloves aside and got into a ready-to-fight stance.

"You may want to put on a gi first." The white ninja informed me as the little girl I saved before came forward with a spare gi that was purple.

"Where'd you find a purple one Xia?" The blue ninja questioned the girl

So that's her name... I thought to myself.

"I found it in Sensei's room." She responded plainly as she handed the folded uniform over to me and I left to go change, but, as I was heading out, I heard the ninja start a conversation that I didn't bother to try and eavesdrop on this time.

Time Skip

"I can't believe this thing actually fits me." I observed as I came back into the training room with the gi on and the ninja were still engaged in their conversation until I appeared in the doorway. They all stopped their conversation and turned to me when I stepped in.

"Wow, I feel so welcome." I announced snarkily.

"H-hey we were just talking about how we should try to help you control your powers." Lloyd stuttered out and I rolled my eyes a bit at how he was so obviously lying, but decided to roll with it.

"Ok, so what's up first?"

"First, introductions." Lloyd told me as he started introducing his teammates.

"I'm Jay, Master of Lighting." The ninja in the blue gi declared as he struck was what was supposed to be a heroic pose, but ended up looking ridiculous instead.

"More like the master of goofing off." The ninja wearing a black gi muttered before introducing himself, "I'm Cole, Master of Earth."

"Why are you see through and... green?" I questioned as I saw how he was pale and glowing a greenish color.

"Uh... I'm a ghost, but I'm not technically dead." He answered and my confusion only rose until the girl wearing a blue and red gi spoke up.

"The name's Nya, Master of Water and the former Samurai X." Nya smiled at me, but when I didn't smile back, her smile turned into an awkward one.

"And this is my brother Kai, Master of Fire." She introduced the guy in the red gi who's been giving me the stink eye the whole time I've been here. He glared at me before scoffing and scooting farther away from me as Nya sighed.

"I am Zane, Master of Ice and the Titanium ninja." The metal looking ninja in the white gi, who thanked me for saving Xia yesterday, introduced himself and bowed a little as he did so, "And you already know my little sister Xia."

"I am the Master of Aura." Xia wore a gray gi and, like her brother, bowed down as she introduced herself.

"And I'm the Master of Energy." Lloyd told me before adding, "And the former Master of Golden Power."

"What do you mean 'former', I thought-" I started to ask before Kai interrupted,

"Now that we've all been introduced, we should get to training now." Kai picked up a katana.

The Second Master of Windحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن