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Aeria's POV

I seated myself into one of the chairs on the ends of the chains keeping them suspended off the ground and was finishing buckling myself in when I noticed that almost no one else was on the ride except for me.

"Excuse me, sir, why is this ride so empty?" The figure in the costume must not've heard me, because he continued to the ride control panel and turned it on as the swings lifted up, so high into the air that everything in the park below looked super small.

Just as the swings reached their max height, they stopped, but they didn't start spinning around like they should've, only increasing my suspicion of something going wrong.

"Hey, what's going on?!" I yelled down to the guy in the costume while I struggled in my seat, but before I could get an answer, there was an explosion on the side of the park farthest from where I was and I saw 7 colorful spirals heading towards it.

"What's happening?!" I yelled more urgently as I tried to undo the bar on my seat.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about what's happening over there, but over here..." A familiar voice spoke through the speakers on the ride.

"Pythor?!" I looked down to see the white-scaled snake underneath the monster costume, making his way up to me by slithering up on the center pillar of the ride.

"Come on! Unhook!" I growled struggling to undo the chain seat belt keeping me in place until I broke it.

Pythor was getting closer so I got up from the seat and used my hands and feet to climb my way up the chain suspensions up to the roof until I noticed Pythor getting closer so I lept off and used Airjitzu to fly, a little wobbly, the rest of the way up, landing on the top in a roll right onto my feet and starting looking around for him

Hearing some hissing noises, I whirled around to see nothing but empty air until something was swept against my feet and I was knocked onto my back, my wooden box leaping out from my jacket pocket only to be stopped before it went over the edge with a wind gust to levitate it into the air back to me. I got up and was about to tuck the box back into my pocket when I turned around to reveal Pythor standing over me smirking.

"Did you really think you'd be able to escape from me?"

"I don't know, I was hoping." I answered snarkily as I shot a blast of wind at him to knock him off the top, but he dodged easily.

"Pathetic. You can't even hit me when I'm right in front of you." Pythor sneered as I got back into a fighting stance.

"Oh really." I cracked my knuckles and neck as I ran forward and threw a kick at Pythor's head, but he pulled out a long pipe and made my foot hit it instead as he pushed back.

"You're starting to get really annoying." I stated as I tried to punch him, but was deflected by the pipe again.

"The feeling's entirely mutual." Pythor snapped before he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, preventing me from moving before continuing, "However, I still require your assistance, or should I say your darkness."

I wrenched myself free with an angry scream as I twisted the pipe out of his grasp and threw it behind me, off the ride, not even noticing that my box fell out of my pocket again until Pythor picked it up and opened it to take out the photo of me and my brother.

"You're not getting me to use my powers, so just give up already." I demanded angrily.

"That's the funny thing about the ninja, they seem to think they never give up on anything yet they've basically given up on your past." Pythor retorted as he continued to look at the photo before looking up at me.

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