Carnival Fun

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Aeria's POV

"How much farther is this place?" I yelled to Lloyd over the wind that was rushing past us as we flew through the clouds.

"Not much farther." He responded as we managed to catch up with the others on their dragons, colored to their uniforms except Xia's which was smaller than the others' dragons and was mostly gray with small tints of other colors in the light.

"We're here!" Jay announced excitedly and I saw a huge place that had all sorts of machines with adults and children yelling joyfully on them and stalls selling all kinds of weird-looking food that I've never seen before. The ninja all landed their dragons and jumped to the ground as they disappeared.

"Haven't been here in a while." Nya sighed as we all walked together to the entrance, only to be met with a strange-looking monster,

"Welcome to Mega Monster Amusement Park!" It yelled in our faces and I got into a fight stance before Lloyd put an arm in front of me explaining,

"It's just a guy in a suit."

"Ok..." I glared at the guy suspiciously as we entered the park and made our way over to the new section of rides that had just opened up as I heard.

"What do you guys think, food before or after rides?" Kai asked and everyone, but me, made faces and responded with,


"Oh! Let's ride the bumper boats!" Nya pointed to an area that had a large open pool with a couple of machines on some kinds of balloons in it.

"I'm out!" Cole ran away to a stand that was serving some kind of round, brown pastry with white powdery stuff all over it.

"As long as you don't try to squirt the rest of us with your powers." Kai laughed at his sister as she came over to me and dragged me by my arm to follow the others as they made their way over to the line of people outside the ride.

When we got to the front of the line, we each got our own "bumper boat" and I was still trying to figure out how to make mine move around, when a blast of cold water suddenly hit me in the back.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Jay laughing and I turned my boat around and was about to fire back at him when I felt another spray hit me from the side. Kai had teamed up with Jay to fire more water at me, when I decided to use a wind gust to spray water from the pool beneath my hand to them, drenching them back.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Kai yelled at me.

"You only told Nya not to use her powers." I countered and Nya joined me to fire more water at the guys as Lloyd tried to spray her.

Zane and Xia came over on their boats and, when the others weren't looking, Xia whispered something to Zane and he took some water in his hands and froze it into snowballs before pelting us with them.

When we got off the ride, we were all soaking wet and had bits of snow in our hair that melted in the sunlight, but I felt happier than I had felt in a long time and we all laughed so hard, we were doubling over.

"I believe we may have taken half of the pool with us." Xia giggled as we looked behind us and saw that the tank was halfway emptied than when we first got on.

"I got this." Nya told us confidently and used her powers to take all the water off of us, formed it into a large sphere as big as a car tire and threw it back into the tank, splashing the people who were boarding the boats for the ride.

"We're still wet though." Kai gestured to his floppy wet hair and I mimicked Nya by saying,

"I got this one." Using my wind abilities, I made a large wind gust that completely dried us out within a minute as everyone laughed at their windblown hair before straightening it back out.

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