Day of the Departed Epilogue

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Aeria's POV

We were all sitting around the fire on the floating island of the Temple of the Airjitzu, letting our lanterns fly into the air when I felt a light breeze and heard a whisper,


"Huh?" I got up and walked to the edge of the island. Using my night vision, I looked in the direction of Ninjago to the museum, where I spotted one last green colored lantern by the entrance.

"Aeria?" Lloyd noticed me getting up and came to my side while the others didn't notice.

"I have to go uh..." I trailed off motioning to the museum. He nodded silently to show he understood and asked,

"How're you going to get down there?"

"I have my ways." I smiled before falling backward off the island and using the wind to make me fly above the ground and off towards the museum.

A few minutes later...

I had arrived at the museum and almost crashed into one of the support pillars, but managed to avoid impact, barely.

As I brushed myself off, I heard a laugh coming from inside the museum, so I ventured in through the broken-down door and made my way to the Hall of Villainy. All the statues of the villains had been destroyed when the others destroyed their foes' ghosts.

"Hey, Ari..." I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw my brother, Morro behind me, possessing his statue from before with the sword that had been in his hand on his back. For a few seconds, we just stood there, facing each other, not saying a word until the silence was broken with,

"You've grown up so much... I wish I could've been there for that."

"The ninja say it was because you were too busy trying to prove destiny wrong." I responded a bit coldly crossing my arms.

"Listen, I know you're mad at me for not finding you sooner but-" I interrupted him with a tackled hug, I held on tightly, afraid he'd slip away again and he hugged me back too.

"I missed you... everyday... and every day I was mad at myself for not being strong enough..." At this, Morro pulled me away and held my shoulders, looking me in the eye.

"Do not say that about yourself Ari, you are strong enough. I should've been a better brother and looked for you a bit longer before giving up."

I sniffled a bit before grabbing him into another right hug again that he returned.

"Ari... I've wanted to tell you that for so long... Ever since you were born..."


"Meet your little sister, Aeria." Young Morro was handed a little bundle wrapped in a purple blanket and, peeking out with wide black eyes and a strand of black hair streaked with a tiny bit of purple framing it, he saw his little sister's face.

"Hi there, I'm Morro."

And the little girl smiled and giggled while reaching for her brother's face.


"From the moment you could walk..."


"Come on, walk to your brother." Their mother gently urged Aeria as she stumbled around on her feet trying to maneuver her way to her brother.

"Come on, you can make it." Morro urged her as he reached his arms out to her. When she did manage to toddle over to him, she wrapped her short arms around his neck and fell asleep within seconds as if those few steps had completely drained her energy.

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