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3rd Person POV

A Few Hours (and Combat Rounds) Later...

"Well, I'd say you kicked our butts enough for one day." Jay told Aeria as he rubbed his sore arm and everyone groaned their agreements.

"Indeed, you are already quite skilled both in hand to hand and weapon combat, but it is crucial to stay sharp." Zane added as Xia closed his arm panel from fixing his gears.

"That having been said, I would say that it is time for a break, in order to replenish our strength." Xia announced as she began to clean up all the discarded weapons from the floor and placed them in their correct positions around the training room.

"I will go prepare lunch." Zane announced as he went to the kitchen to do so.

"Who's up for some video games?" Cole asked pointing to everyone to challenge him.

"What are 'video games'?" Aeria questioned as she put her bow and arrows away, her official weapon of choice since she decided to work past the bad memories she had associated with the weapon so she had another less burden to carry.

"Just wait till you see." Jay grabbed her arm as he and Cole dragged her out to the game room to show her their video games.

"Well, at least they found someone else to bug with their games." Lloyd chuckled a little as he pulled off his hood and made his way to the kitchen for some water and Kai followed him from behind.

"Speaking of which, Nya told me that you two were having a moment together before practice." Lloyd did a spit-take at that and choked on his water before wiping his mouth to say,

"I wouldn't say 'moment', I was just-"

"With her in her room as she was talking about her past." Kai smirked a bit, surprisingly, not in the mean way, but the teasing sort of way before asking, "You kissed her didn't you?"

"What?! No!" Lloyd cried out waving his hands in front of him rapidly.

"But you wanted to. Huh huh." Kai poked Lloyd's arm as he started to laugh some more.

"Geez make up your mind already, do you want her here or not."

"Don't you?" Kai ruffled Lloyd's hair before he pulled away stuttering,

"W-what, I don't like her that way. I just want to make sure she's doing alright in the little time she's here before she leaves." Lloyd quickly walked away covering his blushing face while Kai followed silently chuckling to himself.

"Oh come on! You're totally cheating!" Jay's shrill voice rang out from the game room.

"I'm pretty sure that you're just really bad at this game." Aeria countered as Lloyd and Kai walked in to see that Jay, Cole, Nya, and Aeria were playing Dragon Flyers and Aeria won first place in the first round they played.

"No, I'm not!"

"Come on, can't you just accept that she's right?" Nya giggled before she and Aeria shared a fistbump.

"Boom!" They chorused, mimicking an explosion.

"Well, it's nice to see everyone bonding together, right Lloyd?" Kai elbowed Lloyd, making his face even brighter red as Aeria turned to face them with a smile prominent on her face.

"I'll say, I'm kicking these guys' butts at fighting and at video games." Aeria tossed her controller up in the air, made it hover for a few seconds using a mini wind gust, before catching it with one hand.

"Ok Ok, Aeria, you're the new Dragon Flyer Master or whatever now, I'm gonna go get a snack." Cole tossed his controller aside and accidentally made it land on the tv remote, changing the channel.

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