Chapter 2: It's time

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In a Jade palace, 

There's an old red panda. Shifu, who playing a flute. He is surrounded by the bushes and trees that nestle between the Training Hall. From behind the bushes, stealthy dark shapes move in the foreground. He is still playing and seems oblivious. Five figures explode from the undergrowth simultaneously, diving on him. He moves like lightning, the flute now wielded like a staff. He deflects, blocks,dodges, parries, and the attackers go flying. They roll and pick them up, turning to face him, who is now standing—poised—ready for their next move.

"Well done, students... If you were trying to disappoint me." Shifu uses his flute to point at the Five, who respectfully bow as their name is mentioned. "Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey, greater speed. Crane—height. Viper—subtlety. Mantis—" He got interrupted by a palace goose, Zeng. "Master Shifu." Palace goose called him as Shifu suddenly points the flute at a scared Zeng.

"What?!" Shifu said, impatiently.

"Aah! It's Master Oogway. He wants to see you." Zeng startled. Shifulooks up, concerned. He runs to the Jade Palace, which is lined with palace geese. The door bursts open. Shifu enters and comes to a halt. Candles and emerald lighting fill the room. He takes a deep breath and bows. "Master Oogway? You summoned me." He said as looks up, still bowing. "Is something wrong?"

He looks up at a tortoiseshell perfectly balanced on a thin wooden staff. Master Oogway, a wise and elderly tortoise, emerges slowly from his meditative position and climbs down effortlessly. "Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?" Oogway said, smiling. "So...Nothing's wrong?" Shifu asked. "Well, I didn't say that," Oogway replied as he walks toward the candle. Shifulooks up, concerned. Oogway opens his mouth... and blows out a candle. And another candle. And another. And another. Oogway opens his mouth to say something, then blows out another candle. Finally, an impatient Shifu uses hiking fu to blow them all out. "You were saying?" Shifu said.

"I have had a vision: Tai Lung will return." Oogway said making Shifulooks stricken. Quick, impressionistic images of a large, shadowy figure (Tai Lung) flash in his mind. Shifu is rattled. "That is impossible! He is in prison!" Shifu said, disbelief. "Nothing is impossible." Oogway said, gravely. Shifu stares in horror for a second before reacting, then he calls palace goose. "Zeng!" Shifu shouted, then Zeng comes flying in, and Shifu gets in his face. "Fly to Chorh-Gom Prison and tell them to double the guards, double their weapons. Double everything! Tai Lung does not leave that prison!" Shifu command Zing. "Yes, Master Shifu!" Zing said as flies off but then hits a column. Then he is off.

Back on Oogway, as he walks away from Shifu. "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." He said to himself. Shifu rushes back to Oogway. "W-we have to do something. We can't just let him march on the and take his revenge! He'll, he'll—" Shifu tried to say something about how to stop Tai Lung. Oogway cuts him while he looks into the water of the Moon Pool. "Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear." Oogway said

Shifu and Oogway stare into the pool. Oogway settles the water with his staff, revealing the reflection of an intricately-carved dragon clutching a scroll in its mouth making Shifu looks up. "The Dragon Scroll..."

Oogway looking up with Shifu and said. "It is time."

Shifu turns his head to look at Oogway. "But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? To become... The Dragon Warrior?" Shifu asked to know who will be the Dragon Warrior

Oogway makes a short pause and says. "I don't know." Oogway smiles as Shifu stares at him in 'What?!' look.

Oogway walks away toward the portrait. "I also have another dream, but it's not just only Dragon Warrior." Oogway said making Shifu stare at him with a curious and questionable look. "What do you mean, Master Oogway." Shifu asked incuriously.

"In my dream, I saw-" Oogway didn't finish his sentence, but just he sighs in sad look. Shifu looks at him, wondering what he gonna say. "What is it?" Shifu asked. Oogway didn't want to say anything to him, instead, he look up and stare at the portrait. Shifu looks up at what Oogway staring at.

Shifu stares at the portrait of Oogway on the left side, smiling while young Shifu on the center smile, along with a red female fox and gray male wolf, who wrap their arm around them, and the red fox wrap her arm around Oogway while the gray wolf places his hand on Shifu's shoulder.

Shifu knows how Oogway really misses them so much. Shifu also misses them too, they like his very close best friend. Oogway stares at the portrait and tears in his eyes. Shifu notices Oogway crying. "Master, I know you miss them so much, but it's been years since we heard them died during the fight," Shifu said, depressed. "I know, my friend. But in my dream, I saw Huian and Ming that they have a child without realizing it." Oogway said as he wipes his tear and still looking at the portrait. Shifu turns his head on Oogway in surprise. "What?! B-But Master Oogway, Huian and Ming don't have a child. But if they have a child, it's probably gone." Shifu said, making Oogway hit Shifu's head with his staff. "Ow," Shifu said as he rubs his head where it hit.

Oogway's Dreamworld

Oogway walk around the dream world that he saw two figures standing in the back facing.

"In my dream, I was walking around when I saw Huian and Ming."

He walks toward them. Suddenly, Huian and Ming turn around. Oogway saw Huian holding something in the blanket.

"I walk toward them, but they turn around, then I saw something that Huian holding."

He saw a small Vixen with three tails, sleeping in Huian's Arm.

"As I walk closure toward Huian and then I saw something that I was not expecting. I saw a small wonderful creature with three tails."

A small creature woke with purple eyes and face to Oogway. While he looks at her then at Huian and Ming, who smile at them.

"When Huian and Ming look at me with joy."

Then the dream world change while Oogway saw no one but light in front of him.

"Then everything changes when I saw something I wasn't expecting for me to see something remarkable."

Oogway saw a Kitsune in a spirit form with a light glowing in her eyes.

"What is it, Master Oogway?" Shifu asked.

"I saw something that is glowing brightly. I walk toward it and saw. A different warrior."

End of Oogway's Dreamworld

"What is this mean, Master Oogway. Could it be that..." Shifu said as Oogway cut him.

"There must be someone, who will choose to be another warrior." he finishes.

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