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Felix ran to his friend's as a smile blossomed on his face. His heart rate picked up as his feet stopped.

"Hi." Felix huffed out. They smiled at him.  "Hey Felix. Why did you run?" Chan asked. "I wanted to hyung." Felix said as he ruffled his own hair and sighed. "Kelly's looking for you." Jisung said throwing a arm over his shoulder. "Ugh when will she give up. I've litlarly have to scream im gay at her." Felix rolled his eye's. "Speaking of gay. Minhos coming over Jisung." Chan said. Jisung tensed and moved away. He stood like a soldier that was trying to be as still as possible. Felix chuckled.

"Hey." Minho said as he threw his gym back over his shoulder. Minho was in basket ball and Jisung loved every single minute of watching him play or practice. They all knew that Jisung was so deep in love and no one had a problem. Felixs crush was different. Very different.

"Hey sungie." Minho said brushing Jisung hair back. Jisung jumped and ran to Felix. "Help he's trying to kill me." Jisung said. Everyone chuckled softly. Felix pushed him away and towards Minho. "You need to collect this squirrel." Felix said. "Im trying." Minho huffed. "Did you get the paper for Mrs.-" Felix zoned out as they sat down.

There he was.

Felixs crush. Reading a book with his hoodie on and his legs in the most guy-ish position. Felix felt his heart speed up but all he was doing was reading a book. Felix's crush was a loner. No one talked to him, sat next to him, or even looked in his direction. Except Felix. Felix would stare as much as he could. Just something about Changbin drew Felix in like he was tied to a rope and was tugging it towards him with every breath.

"Felix!" Jisung screamed hitting his arm. Felix shook his head and hummed at Jisung. "Felix. We talked about this." Chan said. Felix sighed. "I know but...whats the harm in just gazing. It's not like-" they got up and started to walk to the street. "He's going to make me fall more in love just by starring. It's just an attraction." Felix said nodding softly, as if he was reassuring himself. He looked both ways and then crossed.

"Felix. Thats exactly how i fell in love with mint." Jisung said. Mint was a code name for Minho. No one besides the two knew about that.

"I...I know." Felix said softly. He sighed. "Jisung you know how i feel about talking about him like he's bad for me." Felix said. "He is bad for you. Felix your polar opposites. Litlarly. Physically, mentally and emotionally." Chan said speaking with a hiss.

"And how do you know hyung? Have you tried to talk to him? Or are you just going off a feeling?" Felix asked.

"Felix trust me. He's bad. He has that vibe to him." Chan said struggling to hold his point. "It's fine hyung. Just believe me it's just gazing."

Lying. He was lying straight through his teeth. He was in love but not that deep, simply, starstruck at this boy.

Felix slid down his bedroom door and hit his head against the door. He got up and went to his tiny box. He got out his medicene to find it empty.

Ill go on friday. He thought putting the bottle back in the box.

He sighed and fell on his bed. Making the fluffy blanket fly up a bit and the bed faintly creek. He looked up at his ceiling and closed his eye's.

The first image that came in his mind was Changbin.

His pale skin that fit well with his full black outfit. His soft plush lips that Felixs wants to kiss until their red and swollen. That black hair that he wants to play with, run his fingers through it, and tug it. Those big hands that when interlocked with Felixs small ones will make the perfect puzzle. At least thats what Felix imagines. Beautiful black eye's that Felix would want to stare in all the time. Big buff arms that could wrap around his small waist and squeeze him so tightly, so close.

Felix felt a tear softly fall. He knew none of that woukd happen as no one wanted them together. Some told Felix to stay away, others made rumors to make Felix stay away. But Felix never took any of them to mind. They'd go in one ear and out the next like nothing. His hyungs and friends don't want him to even look at Changbin.

Each time Felix trys to forget about his feelings. Something pulls him back.

Felix walked to the kitchen to try and find something to make for dinner. His fridge was empty besides a tiny bit of milk and a tomato and waters. He sighed and went to his wallet and go some money. He then looked at his empty pill bottle.

Now or never. He thought as he grabbed them and made his way to a place to eat.

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