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Felix walked out of the room to see no one. Last night he changed and got Jisung changed to and stayed up for a bit watching Changbin and Minho sleep soundly. It may sound weird but it's just a Felix thing.

He looked on the floor to see crumbs from last night. He grabbed the hand broom and bent down and sept it up.

The door opened but Felix didn't mind.

Chagbin gulped at the sight, him and Minho walked into.

Feli was just in a t-shirt and short shorts. So bending over was a very.....nice...sight for Changbin.

Felix stood up and turned around. He smiled softly. "Good morning." Felix said softly. He walked to the trash and put the hand broom away.

Minho put the things of food on the counter. "Is he still asleep?" Minho asked. Felix nodded. Minho smiled at him and then went to the room.

Felix stretched and smiled at Changbin. "Im going home to change. Want to stay here or come with me?" Felix asked as he smiled over his shoulder at Changbin.

Felix turned around and walked out. Changbin chased after him. Felix got some extra clothes he had and gave them to Changbin. Once he was changed, Changbin waited for Felix. Felix came out and changbins jaw dropped.

Felix had on a blue jean jacket, a black shirt under, and ripped black tight jeans. It was so different from what he wore at school.

"You look good in my brother's clothes." Felix said looking at Changbin. Changbin had on a white tight shirt that showed his muscles and black jeans.

"Where's your brother?" Changbin asked. "He died about four years ago." Felix said as if it was normal. "Oh...are you o-" Felix cut him off. "Im fine. I've moved on." Felix said. Changbin nodded. "You look....hot....no i mean...good..amazing...shit." Changbin stumbled over his words. Felix giggled.

Changbin was so nervous just talking with Felix. Felix put his hand out andof course changbin grabbed it. Felix pulled him up. "Thank you....hyung." That word rolled of his tongue so smoothly Changbin swears he's being hypnotized but the obvious blush on Felixs cheeks makes him feel confident.

"Come on Lixie pixe." A knock was heard at his door. Felix pulled Changbin over with him. "Where we going today?" Felix asked.Minho and Changbin talked while the two in the front decided on where to go.

They eneded up at a coffee shop. It was pretty big so they had enough seats to choose from. Jisung, Changbin, and Minho sat down while Felix went and ordered their drinks. As he was ordering something brushed against his hand. He moved his hand away and looked over to the person.

A boy about his age was standing next to him with a smirk. Felix rolled his eye's and looked forward. "Aw come on sweetie. I just want to...talk." The boy said. Felix just shifted a bit as he felt very uncomfortable around this boy. Like he did with every person that flirts with him. "Just leave me alone please." Felix said. "Oh so you're goung to play hard to get. Im down for a game."

A new arm wrapped around his waist making him jump slightly. He looked to the owner to see Changbin looking at the menu then at him. "Hey, i was just about to ask what you want, babe." Felix made big eye's at Changbin trying to hint at the other boy.

"Its ok. Ill order for us." Changbin said. He looked over at the boy who looked very mad. "Oh uh hey man?" Changbin said smirking slightly. "You little bi-" the boy was glaring at Felix.

"Was he bothering you, kitty?"

Felixs heart sped up at the pet name he was being called. Felix looked at the boy then Changbin. "No babe. It's ok. Just a creep. Come on were next to order." Felix said. He was about to walk up but stopped as he was pulled back by Changbin.

Their faces were centimeters apart, making Felix blush heavily. " you sure he didn't do anything to you, my kitty." Changbin asked as he smirked. Felix didn't know wither that smirk was meant for him or the boy. Felix shook his head. Changbin pulled him closer as they moved up. He started to caress Felixs waist and the top of his ass. Felix bit his lip as his face was a bright red. The boy, behind them rolled his eye's.

When they got their orders they walked back to their seats. Changbin still had a arm hooked around Felixs waist.

They sat down and started to conversation like it was normal for them to be so close. Minho and Jisung werent an expection either. Jisung was sitting on Minhos lap while sharing a drink. They looked more of a couple the changlix.

After they finished they went to Jisungs apartment but Changbin and Felix hanged out at Felixs giving the "couple" space.

They were now on the couch watching so stupid love movie that was so cliché and chessy. They were cuddled up a bit and not really paying attention to the movie. It was at a kiss scene and neither really paid attention to the horrible acting of their tongues rubbing against each other.

"Felix....can you tell me about your....past? I mean its ok if you dont want to i totally get that and if it makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to. I just want to know you a bit better and-" Changbins rambling was cut off by a sound that Changbin can describe as the best music.

Felix stopped laughing and smiled softly at Changbin. "Ill tell you if you tell me yours." Felix said. Changbin gulped but nodded.

"I hate my dad, my mom hated me and my brother was.....perfect. My parents would fight and yell. My mom always loved my brother better and i understand why. He was what both my parents had dreamed of in a son. Smart, smooth, handsome, nice, athletic and just perfect. He didn't have any flaws, anything that they didn't like. He was the star child. So when i came along, they.....thought they had failed. They would tell me no yell at me about how they were going to give me up when I came home. I was so different from him. He had nice pale skin, beautiful clear face. Me i have freakles, a tan completion, and a different color eyes from my whole family. They all have a light hazel eye color while i have this medium brown. I was born with  high anxeity. But once we found out my mom slept with another man and had me. My dad left. My mom blamed me and said how she should have ab-borted me. I-I sometimes wish she did. My life went down hill. The pills i used made me want to hurt my self and others. So i tried to find new ones. I did but they only work for six to seven hours. So i have to take more and more each day. She should have fucking aborted me." Felix said as his eyes builded with tears. "Then not long ago. My mom and brother got in a fight and she.....she shot him.. in the head. I was in the next r-room." Felix said as he began to shake.

Changbin pulled him close and hugged him as he shook and cried. Changbin shhed him and rubbed his back. "Hey.." Changbin said his voice softer then before. "Hey look at me." Changbin said. Felix lifted his head up and Changbin felt his canteens shot out.

He looked broken with tears running down his face, he looked like a mess but still beautiful.

Changbin retracted his fangs and cupped Felixs face. "Dont say that. Im so glad she didn't abort you because im so glad you're here. Jisung wouldn't have a smile or happiness that he has now if you weren't here. And im so sorry for your brother. You're mother is a fucking bitch and i hope she dies in fucking hell because she wanted to get rid of an angel and took another angels life. Im sorry for making you rethink that, kitty." Changbin said kissing his forehead softly as he held Felixs waist tightly.

Felix giggled through his tears but put a hand on Changbins chest and looked at him. Making changbin look in his eye's. "C-Can you call me that again?" Felix said with a broken tone and tear filled eye's.

"Kitty. I won't leave you my kitty." Changbin said as he smiled softly and brushed Felixs hair back.

Felix smiled and cried more. He felt loved.

So loved.

Just by one person the twelve years that he was with his mom were now vanshied.

Just beacue of..

"Changbin hyung." Felix whispered softly before closing his eyes and snuggling more into Changbins chest.

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