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It didn't hurt the next couple of weeks.

The bite didn't hurt hut his heart did. It hurt so badly. Because right after Changbin bit him, he layed felix down and then left. While Felix watched.

Each day Felix was crying, not caring about who came to the door or who followed him on the streets at night. He didn't care anymore.

"Nice ass, hunny." A man said. Felix flicked them off. The man grabbed him by his waist but Felix pushed his hands away. "Aw come on. Don't play that kind of game." The man said putting a stronger grip in Felix. "Stop." Felix said trying to take the hands off of him. He was turned around in his grip to be met with a man in all red but with dark blue eyes that glowed. Felix tried to get away but the man bit his neck and put a tiny bit of his venom and Felix knocked out.

"Changbin!" Changbin had just answered his phone to a screaming Jisung....again. He was at his house, crying and punching the walls. He was going to hang up again.

"C-Changbin don't hang up please. I saw Felix walking out of his apartment. B-But he hasn't been back home in four days. I-I feel like something happened. And minhos not picking up his fucking phone." Minho decided it be best that he do what Changbin was doing. So Jisung wouldn't get hurt and honestly the four were broken.

"What- you sure he didn't come back?" Changbin asked. "I-I can go look but the last time I looked he wasn't home." Changbin heard shuffling and then a door open and close and another open.

"No on- who the hell are you?!" Jisung said. A dark chuckle responded. "Jisung get out of there now its no-" a scream cut him off. "Jisung!" The line went dead.

Changbin ran as fast as he could to Felixs place, only to find thing torn and messed up. Changbin called minho to explain what happened.

"Felix?" Jisung said looking over to his side at Felix who smiled at him softly. "Hey Ji." Felix said as he sighed. They were both chained up to a board on the wall. Jisung had so many questions but they were cut off by the door opening.

"Time to fed. I think we should go for the chubby cheeked one." A man said. Jisung gulped as they all came closer. "Wait! Take from me instead. I-I have sweet blood. Nice and warm too." Felix said. "He's the one with fang marks." Another man said. "Mmm he's offering. Why not." They came closer to felix instead.

Fangs were pierced in his skin. His neck, wrist, shoulder, arm. Everywhere on his upper body.

He screamed but a hand came over his mouth and stopped the sound.

Once they left Felix gasped back in air.

This went on for days. They came in and drank from Felix. When Jisung tried to tell them to drink from him. They didn't listen. They drank from felix only and one said they'd wait until Felix died and his blood was no longer useful and go onto Jisung.

Felix stopped making efforts to stop tjem from drinking. Je just ket it happen. No more screams just soft winces. Felixs body was to weak to fight back or give a reaction.

Once they were done feeding for the hundredth time that week, they left and chuckled as Felixs breathing became unstable.

"Hey lix. Come on stay with me dont go. They'll be here soon. They'll save us." Jisung said crying at his best friends state.

"You'll be fine. Y-You're right don't worry. T-They'll find y-you. J-Just fight back. I love you Jisungie. Thank you." Felix smiled weakly. Jisung cried more. He shook his head. "No. Lix. No Felix. Stay awake. P-Please." Jisung cried as Felixs eyes closed. Jisung tried to take the chains off. He pulled and pulled. He started to cry. "F-Felix. Wake up. Wake up. Please." Jisung cried more and more. His wrist started to hurt from pulling.

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