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"Thank you." Felix said as he grabbed his bag of food. As he went to the dim lit side walk, he felt a soft breeze brush past him. He shivered and tried to find warmness in the hoodie he was wearing.

"Hey pretty boy." A voice behind him said. He rolled his eye's and kept walking. Not wanting to deal with a silly cat call. But a sudden hand on his arm and a tug that turned his whole body around. "You don't have manners do you boy? I said hey." The man growled. Felix gulped but pushed the man off. "I heard you." Felix said as he started to walk again. This time a hand went in his hair and tugged him back. He yelped and tried to push the man away. "Stop. Get away! Let go!" Felix screamed as he tried to push him away. "Why should I? You look so pretty struggling." The man smirked.

"Let him go." A dark, raspy voice said. The man instally let go and gulped. "Aye we were just playing right?" The man asked looking at Felix, who's eyes were clouded with tears from the pain, his hair sticking up a bit and his bags on the floor. This was far from playing.

Shoes hitting the ground made Felix snap his head to the owner of the sound. It was him. Felix felt safe but also uneasy.

Changbin stepped between them and glared at the man. He was still in the same outfit that he was in school but he looked more intimidating.

"Man we were just kidding around." The man said rolling his eye's. "Leave." Changbin growled softly. The man gulped and ran off fastly.

"T-Thank you." Felix said softly as he went down on the ground and pickes up his bags. He was about to grab the bag with pills in it when Changbins hand beat him to it. Changbin gave it to Felix. Felix grabbed it but felt Changbins finger lock with his index finger. "Don't say thank you. I was just helping." Changbin said. His voice soft and calming but with a rasp to it.

Felix smiled softly as he took the medicene and put it with his food. Changbin stood up in a hurry and reached his hand out fir Felix. Felix put his hand in Changbins gently and smiled brightly. "You ok? He didn't hurt you that bad did he?" Changbin asked. Felix shook his head. "Just a tug at the hair. It's normal for drunk men like him to do shit like this." Felix said shaking his head. Changbin reached his hand up timidly and petted the strains back into place. Felix giggled softly at the touch.

Changbin retracked his hand. No blush was seen on his face but his eye's looked like he had stars in them. With Felix in front of him it was a whole sun.

"So where are you heading to?" Changbin asked as Felix started to walk and motioned for Changbin to follow.

"Home. I was just getting something to eat. What about you?" Felix asked as he felt Changbin coem a bit closer to him. "I just like walking around at night." Changbin said. Felix pulled his hoodie on as he felt the coldness brush against his ears and cheeks. Changbin looked at the boy. "Are you ok?" Changbin asked. Felix hummed and looked at changbin.

Changbins heart clenched at the sight. Felixs hair was messy and sticking out from the hoodie, his lips formed into a small pout, and his brown big eyes that starred at Changbin with curiosity.

"Oh uh. I asked is you were ok. You pulled your hoodie on." Shit he thought as he stuttered. Felixs pout turned into a small smile then a lip bite. "Its just cold. I dont like cold things." Felix said. Changbin chuckled softly, Felix felt his heart soar as he heard the noise. "You wouldn't like me hugs." Changbin said with a small grin. "Really?" Felix asked as he smiled a bit wider. Changbin nodded. "Their the coldest things on the earth." Changbin said as his grin turned into a smirk. "Let me see then." Felix said as he opened his arms up.

Changbin gulped softly but didn't have time to react as Felix wrapped his arms around changbins neck. Changbin had an instinct to wrap his arms around Felixs waist and squeeze him until he couldn't breath but he just softly hugged Felix.

Felix felt his heart race as changbin dug his face in his neck and tightened his hold. Neither have had a good hug in a while.

"This is my first good hug in a while." Felix said softly as he felt the warmth radiate onto his body and strong arm's around his waist like they were protecting him.

"Me too." Changbin said softly. They didnt want to break away. They wanted their bodys to be close. So close. Nothing between. Maybe clothes but thin one's. Their bodies yearned for eachother and they both felt it but both were scared. Scared the other wouldn't expect them when the masks fell off and the make up was running off of their faces.

Changbin heard his heart beat. It was racing and he was right next to his neck. Just a bite. He thought but then felt Felix squeeze him a bit and then let go. He snapped out of his thoughts as he saw the nice brown eyes that starred at him. His fangs retracked and his mind went back to normal. Felix smiled at him and waved. "Bye." He said softly with a small smile.

Felux started to walk off while Changbin looked at the sway of his hips.

Once felix got home he let out a breath with a small squeal.

I have to tell Jisung and hyunjin! He thought.

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