Arrested. (Nizmo Markatos a.k.a Saikuo Urbytes)

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Day 2

  The sound of water dripping from a pipe as it filled the tub below. I slowly wake up from the noise it's making. As I gaze at the sink to my left, I noticed I couldn't see properly, it was blurry. "Where am I?" I mumbled, swerving my head from side to side. When I pulled my arms to my face, I couldn't because they were clamped down to the steel table in front of me. "I don't remember myself being captured?" I murmured, trying to get myself out of the lock but I couldn't. "This is tiring," I sighed.

Looking up to the only light in the room, I turned to my right and noticed a door. It was a steel door with three deadbolts, a doorknob, and a window at the top. "I must be in jail or something," I thought, staring at it. "I need to find a way out of here... But how?" Observing the room for a way out, but the way out was through the window or the door on my right. "Is anyone here!" I shouted, "Isn't there supposed to be someone here to interview me or whatever?!" But no one answered. "Ha-ha, this is stupid... where is everyone!" I giggled. 

 The door opened so, I dart my head towards it. I was speechless because the person that came through it was Nizma. "Nizma?" I confusingly asked with my eyes wide open. "Yes, Nizmo? What is it?" she answered as she took a seat in front of me. "I didn't notice there was even a chair there but I guess she's sitting on a stool," I thought as I continued to stare at her in confusion. Before I can speak she placed documents in front of me and asked, "Do you know about these?" I skimmed through the documents of what I can see and said, "Um... they're all lined in black... How can I tell you what it is?" She sighed and got out of the chair. "Nizmo, do you know why you are here?" Immediately I answered, "No, I don't know... I just woke up in this room attached to this table." As I tried to lift my arms once again, but no use. "So, you don't remember murdering your family and going on a rampage?" she asked, facing the mirror. "What!?"
"So, I guess you don't remember anything?"

"I will never hurt my family!"
She turned around, walked towards the table and picked up one of the documents and throw it next to my hand. "So what is this?" It was a picture of me standing over my family's remains. "What the fuck..." I muttered in shock. "That can't be me... this but be a mistake." As I stared at it, she took it away from me and held it into the air. "That wasn't me," I said, staring at her with emptiness in my eyes. "Then who was it?" she asked, placing her other hand on her hip. "That pose was sexy, but it wasn't enough to arouse me. This must be a joke." "It must have been Dr. Kazimin or something- That wasn't me!" I shouted, clenching my hands into a fist. The sound of the water once again echoed the room. "That sound was terrible... Just like my situation," I thought, staring at the table. 

Nizma then sat by the table, organized the papers and left. Before she closed the door I shouted, "Nizma, believe me! I didn't do it! Please, believe me!" She turned to me and whispered, "I can't Nizmo... not with the evidence we have." And closed the door behind her. "Who is WE! Nizma!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Tears began to flow as I remembered the time I had with my family. "Good time, but I can't believe that I did that... No, it must have been someone else using my body or something... That couldn't be me." My head began to spin as I stared at the light bulb, thinking about the what-ifs. "Did I really do it? Did I really kill my family... I can't believe it... I truly can't." As I cried, banging my head against the table. "No! I don't fucking believe this!" I yelled, angrily staring at the mirror in front of me. 

Once again, the door opened, but I didn't turn towards it. I kept my head hung staring at my reflection on the table's surface. The persons that entered didn't speak. One of them sat down in front of me while the other stood beside me. "Who are you?" I asked, pointing my finger towards him. "My name is Jake. Nice to meet you, Nizmo Markatos or should I say Saikuo Urbytes?" he politely answered. I darted my head towards him, my eyes were filled with a killer's intent. "Bull fucking shit... Jake is dead. So, answer my question once again. Who the fuck are you?" I said, staring deep into his eyes with nothing but hatred. "I already answered your question Mr. Markatos. I hope you would do the same and answer my question as well?" he replied. I tilted my head and said, "Are you deaf?"
"What do you mean, Mr. Markatos?"
"So, you're being stupid?"
He loosened his tie and said, "No, I'm not but you're the only one here acting stupid." "How am I?" I asked before taking a quick glance at the person next to me. "You murdered your family, went on a rampage which caused over ten thousand innocent people to die and you also did some criminal activities before haven't you?" He said, shrugging. I pushed myself forward as I tried to bite that smirk on his face-off, but I was stopped by his partner who grabbed onto my shoulder. "Wow, easy there tiger," he said with his hands up. "Just wait until I get my hands on you." "You wouldn't be able to," he said, smiling with his eyes closed. "The smile on his face felt different to me. It wasn't happiness... it felt like evil." When I darted my head towards his partner, his fist was at least thirteen inches away from me before it stroke me.

He hit me about five times before Jake said, "That's enough Blitz. We wouldn't want our guest to die as yet before the boss returns." I spit out the blood in my mouth and muttered, "If that's Blitz, he would know not to fuck with me. When I am like this." "I guess you didn't get through him, hit him again," Jake said before Blitz punched me again. 

Blitz continued to hit me until I pass out. "This can't be Blitz or Jake... they're imposters," I thought as I regained consciousness. "Welcome back from the dead, Nizmo," Nizma said, staring at me. I slowly lifted my head to look at her, but my vision was once again blurry. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Because you are not admitting to what you have done. That is why you're being punished basically," she answered, placing her hands together on the table. "What don't you understand... I didn't fucking do it!" "The smile, she once had on her face dropped when I said that. I guess she hates me now, but I don't care." "Blitz hit him again but this time with that metal pipe I brought," she said, angrily staring at me. When I turned to my right there was no one there so, I darted my eyes to my left to see him winding up. "I guess she is going to let him beat me to death?" The force that came from his swing was enough to crush my eye, damage my shoulder and dislocated my arm. The table shook after absorbing most of the impact. I kept my head hanging on my right and muttered, "You swing that at me like you think I was some type of lightweight... you little bitch." As I said that, Jake kicked me from my right then Blitz hits me with the pipe once again. I blacked out again. 

"What is that light shining through my eyelids?" I asked myself as I slowly opened my eyes. Immediately I started to feel pain, my head began to hurt and I couldn't feel my left arm. "What happened?" I asked. "You were beating for not admitting the murder of your family," Nizma answered softly. "How many times do I have to tell you... I didn't do it," I murmured. "Guess you're a masochist." she laughed. The shackles that tied my hands to the table were loose. I placed my right arm on my face, gently touching it then pointed it at her. "Why are you doing this to me. When you know I didn't do it because we are the same." "We are not Nizmo... And you know that" she said, smiling. "Their smiles are deceitful. There is nothing, but evil emitting from her," I thought as I looked at her then turned my attention to the sink. "The dripping stopped... I wonder why." "Nizmo?" she called. I slowly coursed my eyes to her and said, "What... what the fuck do you want?" "Want to take a dip?" she asked. My eyes followed her hand as she pointed towards the sink so, I said, "No, but you can... it seems more suitable for you." She continued to keep that smile and tilted her head towards the sink. 

Blitz and Jake pulled me up then dunked my head into the water. They both head onto my arms as they drowned me. I was screaming, every second as the water slowly began to fill my lungs. When they pulled me back up, Nizma asked, "Do you give up now?" "Fuck you," I answered and they dunked me back in again. I rose my head out of the water, using the little strength I have left, but Nizma slammed the pipe onto my head. Every time I bring my head back up, she hits it back down. "Is she playing whack a mole with me?" "This is fun," she giggled as she continues to hit me in the head. "I can't breathe, I can't see... I am also becoming tired," I thought before passing out again. After I passed out, they lifted me out of the water and placed me into another room. "He lasted longer than the first one, but his death is special," Nizma said as they placed me into an electric chair. 

A doctor injected me with something that allowed me to wake up again. When I regained consciousness, I tried to get out of the shackles but I couldn't I was too weak. "You can't get out of those even if you were at full strength," Nizma stated as she slowly moved her hand across my cheek. "Don't touch me," I muttered, trying to look at her but it's all a blur with no colour. "Their torture was child's play, I have to admit but it did a toll on me." Nizma kissed me on my lips then whispered, "Goodbye." "I guess now they're going to kill me... hmph, I expected to die by someone else other than myself," I thought, smiling to myself. "Don't tell me goodbye... because after I die... I'm definitely haunting you after," I said, coughing out blood and water. She turned around and said, "I'll look forward to it." "Once again, she gave me that same heartwarming smile. Looking at it made me sick, I wish I could have beaten the shit out of her." 

Nizma lifted her hand into the air, held it in the air for a while then dropped it. That signaled to Blitz and Jake to activate the chair. As her hand dropped, a jolt of lightning struck me. It continued to shook me until I was dead but during my electrocution. I said, "I'll see you three in hell." A few minutes after I died, they used over one billion amps in order for me to die. "At least I died knowing the truth... that I didn't kill my family or anyone else," was my last thought.

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