The source of my hatred... (Blitz ulfrvard) Incomplete!

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Day 3

 As I walk through the pasture behind my house, I searched for my wife. "Amie, Amie where are you?!" I called, slowly walking through the flower bed that laid beneath me. Placing my hand above my eyes to see if she is out in the distance, but no sign of her. "I wonder if she went back into the house or left to shop?" I pandered. A gust of wind flew into the air so, I covered my face from it. When I turned my back towards the house, I saw her standing behind the apple tree. "For making me worry, it's time for you to feel my wrath," I giggled, sneaking up to her. Before I can get to her, she began reaching for an apple at the end of a tree's branch. As she picked it and took a bite of it. I shouted, "RAWR!" She immediately jumped and slapped me in the process. "Don't scare me like that, Blitz!" she shouted after noticing it was me. "Sorry, I was looking for you and couldn't find you," I replied, shrugging with a smile. "Well, I was here all the time..." she said taking a bite out of the apple she had in her hand. "...You should have... picked up my scent or something." She said while chewing. I came close to her, and hugged her saying, "I just missed you that's all babe." Squeezing her tightly. She toppled me over and said, "How about we try something?" "Like what?" I curiously asked. She slowly dragged her finger across my chest and said, "Rest your head upon my lap and I'll show you."

After setting myself upon her lap, I groaned, "Ahhh, your lap is always soft like a pillow." "So, are you comfortable?" she asked, smiling. "Of course I am," I answered. She gently rubbed my forehead and whispered, "Go to sleep now." I closed my eyes, rested my hands upon my chest, and sighed, "Okay." As I relaxed my body, she gently coursed her thumb across my forehead while her other hand rubs my cheek. "I'll really enjoying this," I thought before falling asleep on her lap.

"I think I might have fallen asleep. I hope she didn't carry me in or anything," I thought, staring into the endless darkness. I began hearing strange noises as I laid comfortably on her lap, the wind stopped blowing and the air became a bit stale. I quickly opened my eyes, I was greeted by a bright light shining down on me. "What the hell?" I said as I tried to cover my eyes with my hands, but they didn't move to my command. They stayed bonded to the shackles that held them down. I frantically squirmed in place as the only thing that moved was my torso, everything else was unresponsive. "Where am I!" I shouted, constantly looking from my left to my right. "Wait... where is Amie?" "Amie, Amie where are you!" I yelled, hoping she was caughtered as well.

"Time felt like it was moving slow as the clock ticks every second that passes." "You finally quiet down I see, Blitz," Dr. Kazimin said, slowly walking into the light. "I knew it had to be you..." I answered with my throat. "What was that?" he curiously asked, placing his hand behind his ear as he came close to me. "I said... you can go ride yourself into a sunshine," I smiled. "How nice of you to still have your comedic jokes, that are disappointedly lame, but who am I do judge... am I right?" he said, gloating. "Hmph, well whatever you want to do to me wouldn't work since you know... Been there done that and you can surely do it again," I grinned. He stood up straight and clapped his hands, signalling to the machines to move me up right. "So, what's on the torture list today doc?" I asked. "Well, I'm not sure... I'm not the one going to be torturing you since I don't know what torture is compared to her," he answered, shrugging. "What does he mean by that? I remember he loved cutting me up and putting me back together like some action figure... what's up with him?" I thought, narrowing my sight towards him. He clapped his hands again and someone stepped out of the shadows. "Amie?" I murmured as I was surprise to see her. "I'm glad she is already, but she must have been planning something so, I'll try to play along so it doesn't interfere with her plans."

"Blitz my good friend, I don't think I need to introduce my new assistant do I?" he asked. I blew off air and said, "Whatever, I know that's my girlfriend, Amie. You really need to bring something really new to the table for me to give a damn, Doc." He placed his hand on her shoulder and whispered, "You may begin the procedure." "Yes, Sir," she replied, walking up to me with a needle. "Something feels off... I sense something very wrong, but I might be mistaken," I thought before she stabbed the needle into my heart. My heart began to pound as it accelerated to its maximum until it suddenly slowed down to an average pace. "Isn't this the same thing he did the first time I was caughtered?" I thought, darting my eyes at Dr. Kazimin. "What is it Blitz? I thought you said, been there done that and you shall surely do it again," he evilly smiled as he threw her a scalpel.

Amie caught it and began to carve out my muscles on my arm. She took off my bicep with my artery still attached to it, however, she whispered something and I felt the blood being moved from one side to the other. "I don't remember Amie being able to blood bend? Was she hiding this from me?" I continued to stare at my opened wound, wondering what she will do next. "Mind tell me about your clan, Blitz?" she asked, analyzing my bicep. "You already know... I told you about that already... don't you remember?"

"No, I don't remember you telling me about your clan before or I wouldn't be asking that question."

"Amie, I'm not telling you about my clan."

"Why wouldn't you tell me? Don't you value your life?"

"I do value my life, but once I know a certain someone still loves me."


Shall continue after the others are finished... MAYBE

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