Atoning for my Sins. (S5 Yamada)

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Day 7

 "Well, after scratching his brain and cracking his skull open like an egg... I guess that's enough fun for today," I said, stretching my arms over my head. Before I licked the blood of my fingers, I noticed one of my nails missing.

"Tsk, I never knew his brain was strong enough to break a nail... Now, I have to do my whole hand over again..." I sighed as I broke my fingernails by clenching my fist. "Much better..."

'Now, what to do with his body now,' I pondered, placing my hand into the air. Blocking the light that shines into my eyes as I stared at its source.

Suddenly the lights turned off, and the room shifted. 'What's with the distortion of space? Is it because I killed S4?' I thought, observing the aura that is manipulating the area. "You mind revealing yourself?" I asked, darting my head towards the white door that appeared.

The door opened, and a little girl with long black hair in a white dress. "Finished playing?" she asked as she slowly walked towards me.

"Of course I am, I scratched his brain which killed him instantly, so it wasn't that much fun," I answered as I wiggled my fingers.

She stopped in her tracks and asked, "So, you killed him?"

"Duh!" I replied, brushing my hand through my hair. As I bend down to her height, I asked, "Is there a problem, little girl?" I grinned. Her lust for blood oozed out of her shadow, its red and black highlights lashed out like snakes: prepared to strike. Her blood lust was extremely high, 'This is about to get interesting!'

"Seems you have forgotten why I placed them here," she sighed before facepalming.

I smiled, "He wanted me to scratch a place for him, so I did. So, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Are you referring to his back?" she rhetorically answered, rolling her eyes.

"For censorship... that would be a yes," I said, smiling with my hands in a praying gesture.

She breathed in slowly and gave off a deep sigh, Urgh!

"Is something the matter?"

"Why was I so foolish in trusting you in doing this-" she murmured. "How could you be so stupid!" she vocalized, scowling at me.

Her eyes were green like a grape but shined bright like a star. 'Harlequin eyes are quite rare... I would hate to make a little girl like herself cry,' I smiled, admiring her eyes.

She snapped her fingers, and the room morphed into a much larger room: coated in white. The white radiated its own light, which troubled my eyesight. "Your time has come," she murmured as her eyelids fell.

"Is that a threat?" I inquisitively asked while grinning. 'I'm curious about what she can do, but on the other hand, I also love to fight,' I thought, stepping back, assuming a defensive stance.

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