A woman's best weapon. (Commander Rei)

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Day 6

 "How does it feel being captured after ten years, acting Commander Rei?" asked Commander Zulu, smiling as she stood in front of me.

"To be honest, I lost track of how much time I infiltrated your base," I answered, tugging on the shackles that held me in place. 'My legs are shackled. The only way out of here is through the vents or the door, wonder if I can get out of this,' I thought, analyzing the room.

Commander Zulu came closer to me, grinning as she held onto my chin and asked, "So, what did you came for Rei?"

"To say hello, of course, and not steal their precious information, that you always held in the lower decks of this facility," I answered, darting my eyes towards my arm with the minimap.

"I see, well... good luck with that. My commanders and observers told me to look out for you. Your reputation of being one of the best spies that SHUNNF has to offer and all. It made me curious... you have never been captured like this before haven't you?" She said, brushing her hand through my hair.

"Jealous of not having such beautiful hair as mine?" I asked, noticing her uneven trim. She continued to hold her smile as she combed my hair with her hands before slapping me. 'Guess I struck a nerve,' I thought, smirking. Then her fingers dug into my scalp and punched the smirk off my face.

"How does it feel to be helpless? Knowing that there shall be no one here to save you now?!" she shouted, bashing my face in.

"Your punches are quite soft. Weren't you trained in the military woman? Those corrupted by the arts of war... can be so weak... it's truly pathetic, I must say," I muttered after she took a rest. 'Probably only a few bruises from her punches, but how to escape from here...'

Her communication device chirped on, a man's voice reporting, "Commander Zulu, we have spotted two heavy cruisers North West of our position. They're at least twenty-five clicks out and they seem to be at a standstill or waiting for something." Commander Zulu's eyes darted towards the device and turned to me after listening to the message. "It appears that you did send reinforcements to your location... cute, but before I crush your rescue team. Can you tell me more about the KBN project?" she asked, holding the communication device in her hand.

"After you stick that device up your ass maybe I'll consider it," I replied; sore but smiling. 'Why did you send people after me John... Have you forgotten my promise?' I pondered, picturing what shall happen to those cruisers.

"Hmph, such a rude remark to someone who's about to torture you... they say you're like a rock, but I'll be the judge of that. A man can't do a woman's job after all," she said before exiting the room.

'Here's my chance to escape, but I must be vigilant. She might have placed a trap for me.' "Is there even another way out of here," I murmured, observing the room once again. The door opened, I pointed my head towards it and saw Commander Zulu walking with three other soldiers with her.

"Did you miss me?" Zulu asked as she held onto my face.

"Why would I miss someone as ugly as you?" I asked, lowering my eyes.

"More childish remarks for someone so intelligent as yourself, but no matter. Let's see if I can make a woman out of you," she said. After letting go of my face, I was hoisted up by my arms and my legs were then tied together. I kept kicking them during the process so it wasn't easy, but they tied me. "It would be nice if you just act like a good little girl," she chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I am a good girl, unlike you," I said, staring into her eyes. 'The position I was in felt like a BDSM flick I saw before... I just hope it doesn't escalate to what I've seen before.' One of her soldiers brought her a chair to sit in.

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