The decision

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It was a quiet morning at the White House. The president of the United States was reading the files that the  general gave him. "Thoughts Mr. President?" The general asked. "You expect six men to go to Somalia and eliminate the threat?" The president asked. "Yep. They were trained pretty well in combat." The general replied. "So does the delta force and Navy seals so why would men that no one has heard of solve the problem?" The president asked. "Because these men are better than both of them. They could take on the Chinese army if they wanted to." The general said. "I don't know. If these men were to get cap-" "They are well trained when it comes to torture. Psychological and physical." The general said. "You interrupt me again and you are out of here." The president said raising his voice. "Understood." The president got up from his chair and looked out his window to see people protesting against him. "It is amazing to see the people that cheered for me and rooted for me to be president now want me assassinated." The president said. "Look I don't care about the corruption and scandals going on.  I can send in these men and all of this will be over in no time. I promise." The general said. The president looks at the files. He takes in a deep breath. "Fine. You have full permission to send your men to Somalia and take out the enemy." The president said. The general smiled. "Sir you will not regret this." He said as he was grabbing the files. "I already am regretting this. But remember one thing, if you fuck up you will be locked up in a federal prison for the rest of your life." The president stated. "I got it." The general said as he walked out of the president's office. The president sat there in silence. "The decision I made will affect everyone in this nation." He said to himself as he looked out the window seeing the protests getting more violent.

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