A violent getaway

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Avos and Booker both took off their masks. "Now what?" Avos asked Booker. "Well I'm gonna call for extraction and we can get the hell out of here." Booker replied. Booker pulled his radio out of his pocket. "General we failed the mission. You will definitely notice if you seen the news." Booker said over the radio. There was no response. "General do you read?" Booker said into the radio. There was still no response. "Weak signal?" Avos asked. "Maybe." Booker replied. They both get in the old truck and drove away. "Can't believe they're all dead." Avos said. "Let's just focus on getting out of here." Booker said. A few moments later static was coming from the radio. Booker immediately pulled the radio from his pocket. "General do you read?" Booker asked. A voice finally came from the radio. "No. Your general didn't have the balls to tell you. But I guess I will." The voice said. "Who the hell is this?" Avos asked. "The President of the United States." The voice said. "Great send us a chopper." Avos replied. "No your squad has been disavowed." The President said. "What?" Booker said with a shocked look on his face. "Your on your own." The President said. Then suddenly smoke came out of the radio. "GODDAMNIT" Avos shouted as he hit the truck dash with his fist. Suddenly two old convertible cars was in their rear view mirror. There were men with golden ak-47s in the vehicles. Avos and Booker put on their masks. One the men in the vehicles raised their golden ak47. "Stay calm." Booker said. Then the man started firing and eventually everyone in the two convertibles started firing at the old truck. Booker floored it. "I am driving us to an airport now!" Booker shouted. "Who the hell do these clowns think they are?" Avos said as pulled out both of his 1911s and started firing back. Avos grabbed a grenade launcher under his passenger seat. "You boys asked for it!" He shouted as he aimed his grenade launcher at one of the vehicles and pulled the trigger. The vehicle went up in flames as everyone in the vehicle we're getting burned alive. "Shit. that was the last grenade round." Avos said. The left back tire caught on fire. "That's not good." Booker said. Another man with a golden ak47 started firing at the burning tire causing it to explode. Booker is losing control of the truck. "That's really not good!" Booker yelled. The airport was right in front of them. Avos grabbed an Uzi out of the glovebox. He raised it and opened fire on the convertible. The convertible was getting filled with bullet holes. So did the driver and passenger. The convertible eventually crashed into another vehicle causing the men with the golden ak-47s in the back seats go flying forward. "There's a cargo plane in front of us with the rear door open." Booker said. The truck came to a stop and the two soldiers rushed to the back of the plane. "Do they know we're here?" Avos asked. "Let's hope not." Booker said. The rear door closed and the plane took off the runway. They were safe for now.

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