Chapter 4 Confession

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It's been 3 years since Key left.

I cried.

SHINee ended up breaking up.

We just weren't the same group anymore.

Taemin and Minho ended up moving in together and starting their own group.

Onew moved to China and became a teacher.

I stayed by myself in that dorm.

That empty, lifeless, Keyless dorm.

Key and I used to stay in touch before he got busy. We would talk on the phone and skype.

That was 1 year ago.

We haven't spoken since then.

I quit being a celebrity.

Without Key there was nothing left for me.

I would get invited to events, but if Key wasn't here then you could might as well say I wasn't either.

I would go walking down the streets sometimes and people would try to talk to me. Old fans wanted pictures. I was a jerk and just ignored them. Eventually I became isolated from everyone here. No one talks to me anymore. Taemin and Minho would invite me over, but I could never bring myself to go without crying on the way there and ending up back home telling them that I had other plans.

They stopped talking to me too.

I never realized how Key was the key basically to everything I did.

I regret not telling him that I love him when he told me.

I hate myself for that.

This may sound selfish, but I didn't want him to go. Maybe if I did tell him he would still fucking be here by my side.

I ruined everything.

That's why nothing is the same.

Today I got up being awoken from a sharp pain in my chest. This happens everyday. It's my heart.

My heart yearns and longs for Kim Kibum.

I can't do anything else but cry for the pain to go away.

I didn't even bother to eat breakfast either. I'm just doing what I've been doing since Key left.


Absolutely. Nothing.

I turned on the tv for a change and all I could find were some cheesy dramas about love.

Suddenly my phone rang.

A number from America was calling.


I answered it.

It wasn't Key.

Just some poor old lady trying to contact her brother.

I hung up and sat back on my couch.

Again the phone rang.

Again it was number from America.

Probably that old lady again.

"Sorry ma'am you dialed the wrong number again.." I said about to hang up.

"I'm not a lady Kim Jonghyun."


"K...Key?" My eyes filled with tears.

"Hey dino face," Key's voice broke a little.

He was crying...

"What's wrong? Why are you calling so suddenly?"

"Heyyy Jjongie hyung I miss you. Is that any sort of way to talk to someone you haven't seen in 3 years?" Key tried to giggle.

No I'm not going to give in and be nice. If I do then I'll be right back to how I was before. If we talk I'll just get hurt again. I need to end this now. I'll tell him I love him then and only then will I be able to move on in my life.

"Well I missed you too, but I have something important to tell you Kibum."

Key sniffled, "Okay go ahead."

I'm sorry Bummie, but this is for the best.


"Hold on a second." Key inyerupted me as he walked through the front door.

"Wha...." tears fell out of my eyes.

"Hey Dino face.." Key smiled through tears.

He walked to me and held my hands.

He wiped an escaping tear.

"When did you...."

"I came this morning,"

I should tell him..

"Key about what I was going to say-"

"Wait! I have an announcement!" He stopped me again.

"I am now the executive president of the most famous magazine in New York!" He smiled.

I should be happy for him right?


But I'm far from happy for him.

Here he is standing right before me giving me hope that he's back for good, but no. He's only here to visit and brag.

"You mean you're not staying?"

"Hm? No I'm here for work. I leave tomorrow morning." Key went to sit down leaving me shocked standing in the kiddle of the room.

"Why did you do this to me? How can you think that you can just walts right in here expecting me to be okay with you leaving me to die again?! Don't you get it?! I love you. I NEED YOU."

Key looked at me surprised.

"Look I thought that when I came here you'd be happy to see me and that we could talk like we used to and you'd be proud of me! I didn't ask you to love me back Jonghyun. I didn't ask for my heart to break because of you telling me to follow my dream of becoming a fashion designer! I didn't ask for this!"

"Somehow you just don't get it. I love you damn it! I've always loved you! I love you so much that I was willing to let you go and chase your dream! I regretted not telling you how I feel! I was the one who broke when you left! I'm a mess without you Key. I need you in my life to be able to function properly. I love you Key."

There I said it.

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