Chapter 6 Decisions

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"Kim Kibum. I- I don't want this again." I began to say.

"Jonghyu-" Key interupted.

"I don't want to you to leave again. I don't want to go three years without you again. I know that it sounds selfish, but without you in my life I have nothing. I love you so much and too much to even let you go again. And if you still want to go, Key, I will follow you. Remember what I said? If you ever had to leave I would follow you, I would never let you go. I love you."

I waved Key goodbye as he walked the hallway to his plane.

Walking out of the airport wiping away tears I felt my heart ache again. I had finally gotten the courage to let everything that was on my mind out.

Key has been there with me from the start. He was the one I could vent to when I was heart broken.

When I missed home.

I always loved him deep inside I just never realized how much I loved him until now.

He is the one I want to grow old with.

The one I want to be by my side forever.

I love him so damn much it's ridiculous.

He is my soul mate.

My match made in heaven.

The one of my dreams.

He is my love.

That night when we got drunk and I accidentally kissed him and he blushed really hard the morning after because I brought it up between us.

I remember his soft sweet lips that fit perfectly with mine. His beautiful fingers that interlock perfectly with mine as if we are a puzzle piece.

I remember the night I cried so hard because I was tired of being alone all the time and he held me all night as I cried to him.

I remember when he had his heartbroken also and came to me for comfort. I held him in my arms telling him that he'll soon find the right person and if he doesn't like the idea of waiting then I will be there with him forever.

I remember the night his grandmother died and he pushed everyone away. He didn't want to even look at me.

I forced my self to hold back and not go into his room that night to hold him again.

I knew he needed his space and that if I went to him it would have just been harder.

I remember the pain in my chest that I felt hearing him cry all night in the kitchen alone and trust me it took every muscle I had and all the power in me to not go to him and comfort him. I knew he needed to be alone, but it felt like being with him was the best thing for him.

He needed someone.

Someone who loved him.

Why didn't I ever realize this sooner?

Everytime I saw him dance my heart skipped a beat.

When he talked to me my stomach would get butterflies.

When he touched me I melted.

When he left to go somewhere else I felt incomplete.

When he picked a girl to go hang out with him I felt jealous.

Why didn't I notice these feelings for him sooner?

Everything would have been better.

If I had told him I loved him when we were alone that awkward night that he confessed to me maybe everything would have been able to stay how it was.

Onew wouldn't have left.

Minho and Taemin wouldn't have either.

Key wouldn't have left.

I wouldn't have died inside.

SHINee would still be together.

It's all my fault.


I need to fix this.

I can't just walk back home and let this crumble.

I can't just pray and say that it'll all work itself out.

I need to change this.

I need to stand up and say that I'm gonna do something about this.

I'm not gonna let Key suffer anymore.

He deserves to be happy forever.

I will not let him break once more.

I can't let this happen again.

I called Minho and Taemin to come pick me up.

I booked the next flight that would take me to New York quicker than the flight Key was in.

This is not over I'm getting him back!

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