A cat in need

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Do remember those times I said that your all gonna destroy me every time I kill off someone?

Well this time I think I'll be the one who will destroy myself, because I regret doing this to one of my favourite hermits. T°T


~~~Scar's POV~~~

Me and Jellie strolled around the wonderful lands of hermit land, gazing at the beautiful sights and structures, slowly appearing, either upgraded or finished.

The little feline followed behind me as she runs around the grass before coming back to me. My heart warmed up as I saw how happy Jellie was, playing around the grass. It's not everyday I take my cat around the server, I'm always busy with my projects and stuff that I rarely take her with me.

But now I have nothing to do but walk with my cat, and I'm ok with that. We both walked towards the exit, inspecting a new station near the entrance of hermit land. Alas I gave a cheeky smirk, knowing who's responsible for this.

"Sahara fuels huh? Trying something new Architects?" I chuckled,   looking around this build. I wanted to test it out so I went to the ender chest to retrieve my diamonds.

But I was so distracted by station that I didn't realize that Jellie wasn't at my side anymore. "Jellie?" I called out, but there wasn't any sign of the little creature.

A hissing sound caught my attention, I looked between the trees to see Jellie hesitantly trying to fight of a creeper. "JELLIE!!" I yelled, running towards the two. But as I approached them, the creeper started to vibrate.

I didn't had time before I realized my mistake, the creeper already stop hissing, and gave a loud boom!

I coughed on my sleeve as the dust particles from the explosion floated around the scene. I didn't have time to check if Sahara Fuel is damaged, I needed to find my cat.

"Jellie?" I called again, blowing the particles with my hat. Alas I heard something, a small whimper, sounds like it was in pain. I looked next to the damaged tree, to find what horrifies my eyes.

Jellie....alive but..... All I was staring at was the small blood flowing to the ground.... "JELLIE!!"

~~~Cub's POV~~~

I roamed around the hermit lands. A few hermits were here, busy as bees. Others were just playing recently open games, aside from demise. I wanted to check if anyone but something in Concorp's food truck.

But at the same time, I wanted to check this new "Sahara Fuels" that a few hermits once talked about. I was as curious as a britsh kid with a temptation to press all buttons. Funny how that british person actually exist.

I was about let out a chuckle from that thought before I saw a figure walking towards me. His clothes were a bit dirty but he was trembling as he hugged the bottom part of his hat. "Scar?" I called out, walking towards the trembling hermit.

His eyes didn't lose focus from what's inside the hat, his expression was frightened yet horrific, like he saw death before his eyes. "Scar, you alright?" I asked, concern was all I felt right now. He still didn't respond to me, like he couldn't talk at all.

"Scar?" I called out again. He suddenly fell towards my arms, his body still trembling of fear. "C-Cub... He-lp" Scar muttered near my ear. But I still couldn't hear him. "Scar, what's wrong?" I slowly insisted him to stand up, putting both my hands on his trembling shoulders.

Scar was about to be on the verge of tears before he hesitantly pushed his hat near my chest. When I looked at the hat's contents my heart suddenly stopped. A little cat, letting out quiet cries. There was a bloody gash on her left little arm, blood slightly dripping inside the hat but that was the least of Scar's problems!

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