Nervosity Sickness

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As usual,the Raimon Eleven got practicin' at the soccer field of their school.When the weirdest,strangest,and unbelivable thing happened...

Shindou was just there ,sitting and medditating,trying to cool his mind off,while his teammates are resting from practice.

Tenma:Shindou!Why are you so..
(Tsurugi cupping his hands around Tenma's mouth)

Tsurugi:You better keep quiet or else he'll smack you again!

Tenma:Ok...but I was just wondering why is he medditating?Did some thing had gone wrong with him?

As Tenma and the rest are practicing(exept Shindou of course),they practiced new skills
and even Shinsuke had a new hissatsu technuique.Hours later and the training is done, every one gathered cause' Coach Endou had an announcement...

Coach Endou:Team! The school principal had an announcement earlier.

Shinsuke:Hmmmmmmm...What could it be?A tournament?A training camp?Or even a....

All members(exept Shinsuke):

(Shinsuke didn't stop talking)

Midori: I think I know what stops him!..................BUNNYNOSE!!!

Shinsuke:Huh?!?Who do you call bunnynose there,huh?!?!


Kariya:Good one there Midori!

Coach Endou:Attention!

The members listened properly and realized that the whole junior high school will have a cherry blossom festival commin' in three weeks!Every one's excited,all exept for Kirino...who's about to leave when she accidentally tripped,and here comes Shindou to the rescue!

Shindou didn't let go of Kirino,although he got nervous the moment he held the pink haired,pig tailed girl's hand...since they are near by the riverbank, and Shindou couldn't risk seeing his best friend falling to the river...when he pulled her hand too much to him that he almost kissed her!And they end up lying down to the ground.Shindou thought they didn't saw that part ,when actually...

Shindou:(saying to himself)Phew!That was close...

Nishiki:Hey Shindou!If you think we didn't see it,you're wrong!


Kariya:Yeah! We saw that you almost kissed Kirino!And Akane photographed it!


Kariya:Too late....we did it...

Shindou: What the Heck!!!!

After everything,they all went home...but Shindou's crippled with nervosity.But then he noticed Kirino,standing by the river bank,when Shindou felt something...

Shindou:(saying to himself)What is this strange feeling?

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