A Funny Story about Gouenji

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After their practice,they all went to the cafeteria.They wondered what story will Coach Endou will tell them...

Tenma:Where is Coach?

Tsurugi:Must had called on one of the other coaches from the other soccer teams?Or...

Shindou:Don't continue whatever you're going to say...

Hamano:Wow Shindou!You must can't get that funny memo out of your head,eh?

Shindou:Can you please shut the heck up?

Hamano:Oh c'mon...just admit it,you're still embarasssed!

Kirino,hearing all this,felt angry to Hamano,but she knew another problem would start.So she just kept quiet.Coach Endou came,
with Coach Kidou.

Coach Endou:Hehe!Sorry to keep you waitin' for me.

Amagi:Okay coach,but what exactly are you going to tell us?

Coach Kidou:It was  a memory from the whole Inazuma Japan actually.It started when the first Inazuma Japan was formed.This was actually one of the funny memos.
It was like any other day when it happened.We were just eating on the cafeteria,when Endou said something funny to the team that made the whole thing go so...... embarassing to Gouenji.So embarassing that...it made Gouenji go pissed to Endou!So...
first he said "Hey Mamoru!What the heck are you talking about!You better stop that or else..."
But Endou didn't stop so...

Coach Endou:Kidou!You didn't need to let them know all of that!

Coach Kidou:Okay okay.You go next(breathes exhaustingly)

Coach Endou:So...just when I didn't stop you know what he did?

All members:WHAT?!?(said in unison)

Coach Endou:He started a food fight!Being pissed to me,he threw a piece of cake to me! Not knowing where it came from but thinking it came from Fubuki,I threw a sandwich at him...

All members: .............WHAT!!!

Then everyone went silent.

Both coaches:Why are you suddenly turning silent?

All members:Ugh......look....b-behind you?(crippled in nervosity)

The coaches looked behind them and they saw.......

Sir Gouenji:Endou?!?Kidou?!?What in the world are you doing?!?

Both coaches:Ugh.......

Kariya:They told us about the food fight that you started.

Sir Gouenji went crazily mad at both Kidou and Endou,and the three besties started to run,two are being chased by one.The whole Raimon Team laughed madly,almost scorchin' breathless,all exept for Kirino.
Her memory that Shindou almost kissed her kept on flashbacking in her mind.

Kirino(to her self)How can Shindou....do that to me...no no no.He accidentaly did it.But...why...

Tenma:Kirino?Are you okay?

Kirino:Don't talk to me.

Shindou:(to himself)W...wait.I'm feeling it again.

When they all went home,Kirino asked Shindou if she can have a sleep over at his house.So he agreed.

Next time..

TakuRan:Loving in Tandem!😘😍Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin