🦋Chapter Six🦋

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".... I've got the energy you lack and the courage back to back..... "

Song for the chapter : Adele_Water_Under_The_Bridge

One month and two weeks later

Ashley laid on the cool grass while staring at the cloudy sky before her. It was about to rain soon but she didn't care, she wanted to stay like this letting the wind move around her and making swooshing sounds around her ears. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the figure beside her.

"Ashley!". Ayo shook her back to life but then Ashley only turned to face him and propped an elbow.

"What?". She asked in a bored tone. She was tired and she didn't know why.

"What are you thinking about?. Look how the dark circles around your eyes are getting more pronounced. Did you sleep last night?". He pulled out his working T shirt and left only his white singlet and trousers. This was their routine daily since Ashley was on holidays. She would lay on his spacious backyard and stare at nothing till he closes from his shift at work. Thank God his mom was always at work if not she'll think she's wierd.

"I did". Lies!. Ashley dosen't get enough sleep cause she can't sleep at night and If she does she would have nightmares. But she chose to lie to him that she sleeps at night and that she has issues with her eyes.

"Hmmm. Dont you think you should go to a doctor and get your eyes checked, you look like a living zombie!". He chuckled at his own jokes. That's Ayo for you, he always laughs at his own silly jokes.

"Hahaha". Ashley rolled her eyes and quickly stood up. Dusted her jean trouser and began to walk away.

"Fuck Princess. I'm sorry". Ayo grabbed my hands and she stares at the ground. She was about to cry, yeah she's vulnerable like that.

"I didn't mean it that way". He used his thumb to wipe away a stray tear that fell from her face. He didn't like to see her like this, he hated seeing women cry cause his mom cried so much when she lost her husband. Since then he doesn't like to see women cry. Ashley has become a huge part of his life, she was his very close friend and he would share a huge information to her without thinking. He wished Ashley could do the same.

"If you were to be a zombie you'll make a beautiful one". He ended making Ashley give him a goofy smile.


Ashley closed the door behind her and checked her wristwatch it was past eight. Her mom was in the living room watching keeping up with the Kardashians on E entertainment.

"Good evening ma". She greeted only to earn a mumble from the older woman. Mrs James focused her attention back on the TV not noticing when Ashley left.

Ashley was climbing the stairs when Timi was jogging down like he was in a hurry. Timi looked worse day by day. He looked very thin and had dark circles around his eyes. His eyes were always alert as if someone was chasing him and he always scratches his body like there was some invisible rashes on it.

"Ash I need to borrow some money from you". He scratched his elbow and spoke in low tones. He would turn around occasionally and it made Ashley wonder if he heard the voices she heard too.

"What for?". Ashley crossed her arms. Her father always sent them monthly allowances which they used to buy things for themselves. The last one sent was three days ago. Ashley has barely even touched it cause she had alot in her account. Perks of having no life or friends.

"None of your business. Just give me the money if you have it". His hands trembling like that of an old woman.

"I dont have it". Ashley continued heading upstairs but Timi's hands held her in place.

"But then daddy sent some money three days ago. I know you've barely used from yours. I just need 15k I'll pay you asap Ejó (please)". He spoke rapidly and Ashley was beginning to get scared of him. Fifteen thousand Naira was no joke to Ashley and she wondered what he wants it for.

"I don't have. Fìmìsile(leave me alone) ". Ashley removed her hands forcefully from Timi's and headed to her room not forgetting to slam the door noisily.



Ashley just had her bath and was combing her hair before going to bed. She hasn't weaved her hair through out the holiday and it was getting thicker since it was natural hair. She hissed in pain as she ran a comb through again. She packed her hair when she was satisfied.

Her phone chimed as a message came in but she didn't pay any attention to it. She slid it to the back of her pyjamas pocket and headed downstairs in search for dinner but as usual there was nothing. She settled for cornflakes with lots of milk and sugar.

Her phone chimed again for the fifth time and she sighed while pulling it out. It was a message from GTbank.  The bank she uses, she tapped on the message and froze when she saw the contents.

Debit alert.

Amount : 5,000 naira
Balance : 35,000 Naira              

Debit alert.

Amount : 5,000 naira
Balance : 30,000              

Debit alert.

Amount : 5, 000 naira
Balance : 25,000 Naira              

Debit alert.

Amount : 20,000 naira
Balance : 5,000 Naira              

Debit alert.

Amount : 5,000 naira
Balance : 0.000 Naira              


Beauty comes from within.🦋❤

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