The Breakfast Bunch

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"Well,this is a great way to spend a Saturday." I spat walking in to Hollywood arts on a Saturday morning.

"I have never had detention before. I'm kind of nervous." Robbie sighed.

"If you hadn't made us late for class, we wouldn't be here." Jade sneered.

"I was choking on a pretzel!" He defended.

"Well, why do you always gotta be chokin' on something'?" Andre yelled.

"Ah,give him a break." Beck said.

"Yeah, it's not robbie's fault he has a petite throat." I said.

"It's average!" He yelled.

"Hey, who's in charge of detention anyway?" Maya asked.

"Vice principal-- Dickers." Jade said

"Mornin' waz-bags. Detention is that way -- in the library. Get ready for the worst day of your lives." He pointed towards the library.

"Yay! We're at school on a saturday!" Car ran in and giggled.

"Ha ha ha ha... Library!" He yelled.

"Okay. Geez. Calm down." I said as we walked towards the library.

"Well,well. It's 7:06 a.M. Here in los angeles. That means in australia, it's yesterday. Or tomorrow. You know, in australia." I sighed, What a great way to spend my Saturday.

"All day and think about why you're in detention. Now, cellphones, let's have them."

"why?" I whined.

"Because in detentions, there are no phone calls."

"What about texting? Leilani asked.


"Email?" Maya asked


"Can we play grumpy gerbils?" Cat giggled.

"I love grumpy gerbils." Robbie said

"I can't get pass level twenty-three." I said

"Zip it, corn pie!"

"can we have corn pie?" I asked

"Shut up! Phones! Now, I'm gonna put your box of phones right here." I raised my hand.

"What, princess?" He asked sighing.

"I am just wondering what the plan is for lunch."

"Well, if you pretends to get hungry, there's a big plate of tuna right here." I pulled my nose up at it.

"Uh, technically sir. If perishable foods aren't kept either below 34 degrees or above 140 degrees..." Robbie started to say but dickers cut him off.

"Shut up. Eat the tuna or starve. I can care less."

"Um,i think you mean you couldn't care less." Beck sighed.

"What's that?" He said looking at beck.

"You said you could care less which implies that you do care."

"At least a little bit." I added

"I don't." He spat

"Well,then you should've said you couldn't care less." I spat back

"But you did not." Beck finished.

"Hey, what about the guy who first landed on the moon? He said "one small step for man." I wanna just say "oh my god, I'm on the moon!" Cat giggled I groaned, it was gonna be a long day.

You're The Reason (Victorious/ Beck Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now