Chapter 4. I'm coming home

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The next day was started early by a call from Jacob's family. We tried our best to answer their questions but we didn't exactly know if he had consumed any penicillin to cause a reaction. After tirelessly answering pointless questions, we decided to go and check up on him.
There wasn't much to see- he was wired up and laid on a stark white bed. His face seemed almost peaceful- it all seemed too unreal.
The doctor caring for him had some news for us, "Él está en un estado crítico , lo envía de nuevo a ser recuperado por completo . empresa debe llamar al al respecto"
We nodded- we'll have to find the money to send him home.
Our first try to get money was to sell his existing ticket- we'd have to get him a different one anyway. The medical jet the insurance company provided was expenisive, and with his ticket sold we were a quarter of the way there.
The next few days we all took up odd jobs to try and get the money. We were three quarters of the way there when we got a call from the hospital.
"Usted tiene tres días hasta que apagamos el poder no podemos apoyar aquí ." We had only three days to get the money and the jet- which was no where near enough time.
More jobs and some selling of items later we still needed a quarter of the money and they needed it by noon.
"Guys, let's just sell one of our tickets." I suggest.
"How will we get home then?" Sky says back, sounding as desperate as the rest of us.
"I'll just sell my ticket and make the money to buy another one. You guys can make sure he gets the medicine he needs." I say and call up the airline- there was no room for argument. If I had to work extra hard to make sure Jacob survives then I damn sure will.
The others left the next day with Jacob off on a private jet. No goodbyes were said- I made sure they only would say see you later, for there's no way I wouldn't make it back.
The plane soared away as my heart seemed to shiver- I was all alone in a strange place. Times were about to get rough.
I took a job as a bartender- at the same bar Jacob was poisoned. It took me five weeks but I finally had the money to get the cheapest ticket possible. I had stopped staying at the hotel ages ago- which meant no electricity and no communication. When arriving at the airport, I wanted to cry with joy- I could go home!
The world didn't want me too though- a large storm was determined to keep all planes on the ground for another week. When I finally boarded my savior plane, which was falling apart at the edges, I started to weep- I could go home and see them! Things were all going okay!
The plane started up and I fell into my first sleep in weeks- and I felt it was well deserved.
The plane touched down my home city and I was ecastic- I grabbed the one bag I had left and sprinted off the plane. I had no money for a taxi, so I walked to my apartment. Unlocking the door I throw my bag down and collapse on my bed which was, unnoticed by me, occupied.
"Ouch!" Called out the person who was now underneath me. I didn't recognize the voice well enough to care- I was determined to sleep.
~end of chapter~

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