Chapter 7. The Answer

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You'd think this situation wouldn't be a surprise, but it completely shocked me. He was asking me out? Jacob, who I've had a crush on for years, is asking me out?
Everyone stared at me. Sky was hop full glancing between us, Stefan and Ariel held their breath in anticipation, and Kate was just raising her eyebrows at the both of us. I looked back at them, before giving them an answer. Sky nodded, and so did Ariel. Kate just smirked.
"Yes," I said, throwing my arms around my new boyfriends neck. He smiled, and leaned down while closing his eyes. Everybody was chanting, KISS KISS KISS KISS. So I did, I smashed my lips against his. Everyone awed, and Sky said, "Melissa! Look out the window!" I looked out the window and I saw the most amazing thing ever.
I saw fireworks, and someone was playing Greensleeves. I sighed, and I felt a tear slip out of my eye.
"What's wrong?" Jacob looked at me. I wiped my eyes.
"Nothing, I am just so happy," I said, and he grabbed my waist, and everyone looked at the fireworks. While humming along to Greensleeves, I felt Jacob whisper something in my ear.
He said, "Are you still up for McDonalds?" I laughed and nodded.
~end of chapter~

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