Chapter 12.) Sketchy Hospital

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I've been injured before- broken arms, sprained ankles, the works. But it never had hurt this much.

My lungs were on fire and it was painful to even breathe. My head was airy and my thoughts seed to be burning in the fire. My heart seemed to ache with a yearning for oxygen.

People were lifting me, placing things on my face and pricking my arms. All for the greater good, I guess. But for Jacob, the only damage was done to him, is that he scraped up his leg on the asphalt, trying to jump out of the way of the car.

The gang visited me (excluding Jacob), and Stefan brought Reseda and an old friend Suzi. Even though I knew that Stefan moved on way too fast, I pushed that thought behind me, when Reseda came over to me, and touched my arm.

The fires were extinguished instantly, I felt like I could leap for joy. How?

A nurse had come in and checked up on me.

She was instantly suspicous, and ran out of the room for a moment. Security came back in and starting searching everyone.

"I am sorry for this everyone, but drugs brought in by outsiders are prohibited."

The nurse told my confused friends. Stefan responded first.

"But we didn't give her anything!" He yelled, his face turning red and purple. The vein on his neck, looked like it was about to jump off and run out of the room.

"Stefan?Come on, let's go. Reseda's getting hungry, let's go to the hospital cafeteria." Suzi said, instantly calming Stefan down. One of the security guards bumped into Stefan on the way out.

"Oh lay off!" Stefan yelled back, while walking away. The nurse forcefully turned Sky, and Kate around, gripping their wrists hard.

"Ow! Let me go!" Sky, whimpered. I put my pillow over my face when I saw the nurse pull down Sky's pants and searched her, just like they do at airports, and in prison.

"Nope! No drugs! You're clear," The nurse smiled fakely at Sky. She just hung her head, and left the cold room, leaving me without any way to help her.

"Ok, you're next!" The nurse said cheerfully as she pointed at Kate.

"No!" I yelled, "Don't!" The nurse just snapped her perfectly polished fingers and security ran over and held me to down to stop my thrashing and kicking. One of them put a white towel against mouth and nose, as they rolled me out of the room, and into another.


By this point,I'm pretty sure the crazy nurse had sent the police after Stefan and Suzi. Why my healing was such a big deal, I'm not sure.

Nurse Crazyface didn't want me to leave, either. She was sure that, even if my friends hadn't smuggled drugs, they had tampered with the machines I was hooked up to. Eventually my doctor came in and let me go home, with some prescription pain killers "just in case". Yeah- no. Not trusting anything from that hospital...

~end of chapter~

Sorry for a bit of a gap guys, school has started back up and that really slows us down. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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