Chapter 6. The question

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I wake up with a hand on my waist. I slightly turn over and see Jacob in my bed. I almost forgot he was there. Feeling cold, I snuggle into his warm chest, and I whisper something into his ear before falling back asleep. I whisper, I still love you. I smile and drift off again.
The next time I woke up, the hand was gone and so was the warmth Jacob had. I sigh and look at the clock- 10:42 am. That wasn't all too bad. I got up and changed into some proper clothes- these I had missed. My paper thin stomach grumbled and I realized I could actually eat for once!
I rushed into the living space to see a box of my favorite chocolate with a note on it from who I assume was Jacob.
It read, "I'm sorry I wasn't here, but I'm not supposed to be leaving the hospital at all anyway. I'm glad I did though- don't think I'm not. I'm not one for cooking, so I think chocolates should work out. Visit me later- but make sure to eat.
Sincerely, Jacob."
The note itself brought a tear to my eye. As I go to put it back down, I notice writing on the back.
"P.S. I love you too."
A smile creeps on to my face, and I give no hesitation to start jumping around and giggling to my heart's content. I stumble a bit and black dots start to jump in in the corners of my vision. I stop jumping and start eating- passing out from hunger is not an experience I want to have again.
While eating, I made sure to write myself a mental note- Visit Jacob, ASAP.
I walk into the hospital room to find Jacob sound asleep. Not wanting to wake him, i tippytoe over to him and kiss him on the forehead. When I do that, his eyes immediately snap open.
"Oh, uh, s-sorry," I ramble, feeling my cheeks get hot.
"I-it's ok. I kenshdhrhajsh," He said, but I couldn't make out the last part.
"Sorry, what did you say after its ok?" I asked still embarrassed.
"I said that I kinda liked it," Jacob said quietly.
"Oh," I said, now trying to change the subject, "When can you get out of this place?"
"Um, I believe this afternoon, alright, you and I. Going to McDonald's. You pay," He said in short sentences. I nodded, and let him rest once again.
I smiled at him and was going to kiss his forehead before leaving when a hear a cough from behind me. I turn to see the rest of the gang waiting at the door.
"Melissa you're back! Why didn't you call?" Ariel screamed as she enveloped me in a hug.
"Nice to see you guys." I tell them. They all nod in return. After Ariel is done hugging me, I notice her walking back over to Stefan and he wraps his arm around her waist.
"Woah, woah, guys what happened?" I asked pointing right at Ariel, and Stefan. Ariel looks at Stefan before responding to me.
"Well, I just found out that I'm pregnant!" Ariel yelled. I stood there with my mouth hung open.
"SAY WHAT?" Jacob bolted out of bed, and pointed his finger at Stefan, "YOU'RE GOING TO BE A FATHER AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!"
"Well, we just found out last week, and I am thankful for that party because it's the baby that has really brought us together,"
Stefan said holding and rubbing Ariel's hand with his thumb.
"Ok, since I everybody is announcing stuff, I have a question to ask Melissa," Jacob said keeping eye contact with me the entire time, "Melissa Rose Marie will you be my girlfriend?"

~end of chapter~

I hope you like the song I put up for this chapter btw. I absolutely LOVE ouran. Please comment if you love ouran as much as I do;)

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