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"He's beautiful," I say dreamily, feeling a sigh escape from my lips.

"He's my brother, Arthur," my companion's soft voice replies with a giggle.

I sigh and turn to the boy across from me. Mathew, the brother of my dream guy, is a really sweet guy, and he looks a good bit like his brother. But his personality just isn't quite right for me to see him as a romantic interest. He's more of a best friend, but I know he liked me in the past. Now, however, he's dating a wild Prussian boy named Gilbert, and he's head over heels for him.

"And he ignores me, Mathew," I return, folding up my legs and bring my knees to my chest.

"I've tried asking, but he always avoids answering the question and tricks me into changing the subject." He gives me a sympathetic look and pats my shoulder before glancing to my food. I don't usually eat school lunches, but Mathew wolfs them down. He needs to eat a lot, because he's on the American football team (since they don't have hockey) and burns a lot of calories.

"It's yours," I say, sliding the plate towards him, and he happily digs in.

"Maybe one day things will change, and you'll be able to actually date him," the Canadian suggests, causing me to chuckle bitterly.

"I don't know if he'll ever actually give me the time of day," I murmur sadly.

I know it's a little stupid to get this upset over a highschool crush, but I can't help it. He's my dream guy, and I've already fallen for him. He just hates me for some unknown reason. Even Mathew knows that he hates me, though he usually doesn't use those exact words, because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

"Everything changes with time," the boy murmurs softly, his soft, gentle hand petting my hair comfortingly.

"Everything?" I ask, not being able to keep hope out of my voice.

"Yeah," he responds, smiling happily. "You'll be okay."


It's been several years since I've had that conversation with my friend Mathew.

It's been several years since I was in highschool.

I've had time.

He's had time, too.

But nothing has changed.

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