Chapter 17

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Arthur's POV

"Hey," I murmur, brushing the soft locks out of Alfred's eyes. "It'll be okay." I rub his arm gently as he pretends that he isn't crying as we watch a rerun of Doctor Who together.

I've been doing countless things to try and stop him from crying after the news given to us at the police station. I even gave him a blow job, but it was to no avail. He enjoyed it, but he still hasn't been able to get passed the news bestowed upon him. 

"I just don't want to believe that my students could do something so horrible," he mutters, making me smile softly.

"They didn't," I return.

"How do you know?"

I shrug. "I've just got a feeling," I say, grinning widely at the American across from me. 

He returns the gesture, wrapping me up in a hug as thanks. "What do I do? We have class tomorrow." 

Sighing, I rub his back, trying my best to offer him some sort of comfort. "I'm not entirely sure, love," I respond, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck gently. He nods, seeming to finally calm down after being so distraught.

"I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it," he says, releasing me from the embrace before heading towards the couch. I can't help but sigh.


"Hey! Calm down!" I shout, making the students silence themselves. We're in the gymnasium at the moment. It's what we have to do, as the auditorium is undergoing repairs. Most of the inside is intact, and thankfully, no instruments were damaged. Some of the walls and support systems have to be replaced, though, and we can't be in the way.

Alfred steps up behind me, a supportive hand on my back to calm me. "Things will be back to normal soon. Things will be fixed, and then we can go on like we were."

One of the students stands up, looking nervous and scared. I give her a gentle, questioning look, and she swallows thickly. "Sirs, I heard that the fire was arson on the news..." She looks between Alfred and me, making my heart sink. I was hoping this wouldn't be brought up. "Who could have done it?" 

She sits back down quickly, and the other students are too shocked to say anything other than quiet whispers that make my heart beat wildly with nerves.

"The investigation is still pending," Alfred announces, making relief flood through my system. The students listen to him, so I won't have to raise my voice. My throat hurts enough from the smoke as it is. Not to mention, the...things I've done with my mouth. I blush at the thought.

"The detectives working on this case will do their best to find whoever is responsible. The last thing you all need to do is worry about that." I give them all a pointed look. "I know you all don't have perfect grades, so if anything, focus on your studies."

A few of them look down in shame, but majority of the students still look scared out of their minds, terrified of what could happen and who it could be that committed the crime.

Alfred wraps an arm around my waist as the students look to each other nervously, pulling me to his chest and causing a few of the girls that are sitting together in the back to squeal wildly. I feel myself blush as I see them mouth the word "cute" before making obscene hand gestures and laughing to themselves. Oh, please tell me that they aren't the yaoi fan club I keep hearing about.

"T-The students," I whine, breaking away quickly as my face flames.

Alfred just grins at me before glancing to our students. "Oh," he calls out, capturing their attention. "I've got another announcement."

I give him a questioning look, only to be met with a quick kiss that lasts for a few seconds. I'm too surprised to pull away or return the gesture, and by the time I come to my senses, he ends the kiss.

"Arthur and I are officially a couple," he tells them, grinning with the widest smile I've ever seen. It makes my cheeks turn crimson. 

My face darkens even more as the students start to cheer and even pass money between each other. Did they bet on us!? 

"Now they know," Alfred says, shrugging playfully as I glare at him out of embarrassment.

"I guess that's out of the way," I murmur, shifting awkwardly and causing my American lover to grin.

"Anyway, in celebration that no one has gotten hurt, have a free day!" he announces, and the students smile warily, happy but still under stress.

As they break off, some staying on their phones in the bleachers and some grabbing the equipment that wasn't damaged, they entertain themselves. I sigh, watching their smiling faces. Knowing everyone is alright, especially the instruments, makes things a little less worrisome.

Alfred smiles down at me, shining through the darkness that otherwise would've enveloped my world, and plants a kiss on my forehead. Everything seems to be going well, but my heart sinks when I hear my phone ring. I've been dreading the sound, and I still hope it isn't who I think it is calling.

"Who is it?" Alfred asks, and I purse my lips.

"The police," I return, dreading the call. I know it will help, knowing who almost killed me, but I at the same time don't want to know. I'm scared of who it could be. I don't want it to be someone I know. It would ruin my ability to trust people.

"Are you going to answer it?" he asks. It's not a pushing remark. He genuinely wants to know, concerned for my well being.

I look to him, studying those magnificent blue eyes of his, and I sigh, sliding the call to accept it before it goes to voicemail.



Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it's pretty short. I've suffered a small bout of writer's block, but thanks to this filler here, I've gotten back on track. Don't forget to leave any comments and such that you might have. They always make my day :) Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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