Chapter 14

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Alfred's POV

"I can't help but think about this, Arthur," I murmur, clutching at his sides. I don't want to let him go, but this is still something we need to talk about. He gives me a concerned stare, and I sigh. "Arthur, I love you. I do, but what if we weren't on the best of terms and we haven't done anything for good reason? I want you to remember things before this goes any further."

His brows knit together in sorrow. "Look, Alfred." He sighs. "I don't really remember what happened between us, but I do remember how I feel. I remember being mad, but I also remember moving passed that. Besides," he murmurs, gently sliding his hands along my chest in a way that makes me blush. "If I weren't sure about this, I wouldn't be trying to take your clothes off."

I chuckle a little at that. I trust his judgment, and for all I know, he could've wanted this all along. "I trust you, Arthur," I say, voicing my thoughts. "And if you're really sure..." I swallow, letting the sentence hang in the air.

He grins, a blush filling his cheeks, and the sight makes my heart flutter. "So how do we even start this?" Arthur murmurs. "I mean, we both aren't virgins, but this is planned so..."

I chuckle, leaning and kissing his neck gently, effectively silencing him. "Let's just go with the flow," I whisper, and when he nods, I continue with my small gestures of affection along his smooth, pale skin. 

His hands sneak their way up my shoulders, coming to a stop on the edges before trailing along my chest. He's being so gentle about this. I guess we're going slow.

My hands edge up his shirt, but he suddenly pulls away with a wince. "Burns," he hisses, and I flinch at the realization. 

"Sorry," I return, being gentler with my movements as I remove his thin T-shirt. "I'll be careful," I reassure.

"Don't be too careful," he tells me, grinning suggestively as his arms hook around my neck, tugging my body closer to his. "I kind of like it rough..."

The thought has me way more turned on than I should be. Curse him for saying stuff like that. He's going to be the death of me. 

Finding myself fired up even more so than before, my lips return to his neck, kissing and licking at the soft skin fondly, savoring the taste of him. I feel his soft fingers edge up my shirt, sending sparks along my skin. It feels like electric shocks but pleasurable, enjoyable. It has me grinning through the kisses I'm planting. I raise my arms, allowing him to slip the garment off, revealing my bare chest.

His eyes trail along my chest with obvious hunger in them, making me grin as I slowly push him onto the bed. He gasps when his knees hit the edge, falling backwards onto the bed rather clumsily. It's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. The Brit picks himself up by his elbows, pushing up towards the top part of the bed. I climb over him, hovering as our gazes lock, and I lower myself to those soft lips of his, kissing him deeply.

His hands grasp at my back as we move our lips in sync, digging into my skin and sending painful pleasure coursing through my veins. Not even trying to hold back, I let a moan escape, but it's swallowed by the Brit I'm connected to. Our tongues swirl around each other, tantalizing and wet. He's sweet, like candy.

I remove myself from the kiss, trailing soft pecks along his chest, causing him to arch in reaction to the touch. When I reach his stomach, hands card gently through the locks of my hair. I nip at the skin fondly, wanting to please Arthur as much as I can. It feels nice knowing that I can make him feel pleasure, something other than the pain that I caused for years. 

When a small moan escapes his slightly bruised lips, swollen from kissing, I grin. The sound is music to my ears. "You're cute..." I comment softly, punctuating my statement by trailing my tongue along the curves of his hips. 

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