Chapter 10

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Arthur's POV

I turn in the mirror, trying to determine whether or not this outfit looks good. It doesn't seem quite right, but the pants are working. I decide to leave the tight jeans on and go for a different shirt. What do I own that screams "I'm still single, and I want you"?

"Okay, Dad, this is the fifth outfit you've tried on. When are you going to admit that this is a date?" Peter says, leaning in the doorway of my bedroom with an amused smirk on his face. 

"Never, because it's not a date," I return, causing my son to roll his eyes.

"And I'm straight," he returns sarcastically, making me snort in amusement. "Seriously, you've been pining over this guy since forever. Why not just get over the past and date him?"

I grin mischievously at him. "I've already gotten over the past. It's just nice to be treated with flowers and love notes on my desk," I return, making him laugh.

"Oh, my gosh. You're more of a teenager than I am," he says, laughing as he fishes a red, plaid shirt from my closet. "Wear this for your not date," he says, leaving the room after throwing it at me.

"You know you're just enforcing the gay stereotype!" I call after him, donning the shirt in spite of myself. It looks decent enough, so I decide to wear it. I'm also just tired of trying on outfits.

I head downstairs after deeming myself to look decent enough, and I give Peter money to head out in the car and buy the takeout food. Making myself some tea, I nearly jump out of my skin as the doorbell rings. Oh, I bet that's Alfred.

Rushing to the door and trying to calm my wild locks, I look through the peephole to find that charming blonde right outside my door. He's shifting back and forth from foot to foot, awkward and seemingly nervous. Oh, that is adorable.

I throw open the door, greeting him with a small smile. "'Ello, Alfred," I say. He looks shy, judging by the lack of response I get.

"Uh, hi," he finally says, wincing after the words come out.

I chuckle, stepping aside and gesturing for him to enter. He follows my silent request, and I close the door behind him shortly afterwards. He looks wonderful, in a simple outfit that consists of blue jeans, a Captain America T-shirt, and his favorite bomber jacket. I know that jacket is his favorite because he always finds a reason to wear it. He even wore it all throughout high school. 

I close the door, sealing us inside, separate from the cold, bitter outside world. "I hope you don't mind, but we already ordered for you," I say with a shrug, scratching the back of my head.

"I'm not very picky when it comes to food," he returns, smiling gratefully at me. This is much more awkward than I thought it would be.

"Uh, have a seat," I say, gesturing to the couch. "Do you want anything to drink in the meantime?" I ask, clasping my hands together in front of me shyly.

Alfred lowers himself onto the couch, shaking his head. "I'm fine, but thanks." His smile is charming and much too white for all the coffee he downs on a daily basis. Does he use whitening strips or something?

I sit down beside him, grabbing the remote while I surf the channels. I don't want to watch Dr. Who without Peter. It's his favorite show, too. "What do you want to watch?" I ask, looking to him as he lazily watches the screen.

"What do you like to watch?" he counters, making me smile.

"Admittedly, I like action," I say with a shrug, and he grins. 

"Awe, dude, me, too!" We grin and decide on some old war movie until Peter gets back with the food.

Making jokes about the things characters are saying and poking fun at certain occurances, we keep the rather dramatic film lighthearted. 

"Ten bucks the actor is gay," Alfred whispers into my ear during a quiet scene. It sends me into a fit of laughter. 

"I actually agree. Google it and find out if he is," I say, leaning against him as he pulls out his iPhone. He types the actor's name into Google and pulls up the Wikipedia page.

"He's gay! I knew it!" Alfred practically screams just as Peter walks through the door with bags of takeout food in his hand.

"I leave for half an hour and this shit happens?" Peter complains, placing the bags on the wooden coffee table in front of me.

"Language," I reprimand, moving closer to the edge of the couch to get to the food.

"Sorry, Dad," he replies, smiling softly at me as he sits in one of the reclining chairs. He pulls out a dish of his own and starts digging in. 

I take two meals out of one of the bags, handing Alfred one, which he takes with a small "thank you." 

"Can you use chopsticks?" I ask, and he blushes, shaking his head.

"I never learned," the American admits sheepishly. 

That's oddly adorable. I open a pack of the cheap chopsticks and hand him the two flimsy sticks. "Here," I say, placing my hands over his as I direct his hands to the proper position. 

"That feels a little weird," he says, studying the chopsticks with an uncomfortable look on his face.

I laugh a little. He's such a child sometimes, and it is probably the cutest I have ever seen. "You'll get used to it," I tell him, using my own to pick up a small piece of chicken. Thankfully, it doesn't fall off and embarrass me.

He tries picking up a piece again and again, but it keeps falling because of his lack of grip. I laugh at his small failures, not being able to stop myself. "This is hard," he whines, looking at me with the shiniest puppy-dog eyes I have ever seen.

With a grin, I use my own chopsticks to lift the same piece, feeding it to him like a mother would her child. "There, you big baby," 

"That was gross," Peter comments. "You guys are like two teenagers courting each other."

"Who even uses the term 'courting' anymore?" I ask, making Peter grin. 

"Me," he replies, taking a bite of his fried noodles to punctuate the statement.

"You two are adorable," Alfred says, slinging an arm around the edge of the couch behind me. I try to subtly lean closer, but judging by the look Peter gives and the closer Alfred's arm moves, it was quite the opposite.

I can't bring myself to care, though, as I pull up Dr. Who. I snuggle further into Alfred's hold, not minding the look Peter gives me as we all focus our attention on the show.

Alfred's POV

Arthur fits perfectly into my side. I can't help but notice this as he burrows himself a spot in my side, curling up like a child. It's the cutest thing I have ever seen, and the fact that it's Arthur makes it that much sweeter of a moment. Isn't this something that couples do in those cliche romance things? That makes me inappropriately excited.

Trying to be smooth about it, I slowly lower my face into the blonde locks of the Brit next to me. Even his hair smells like tea. It's nice, comforting. I close my eyes, trying not to purposely sniff the hair, just breathe it in. It's a relaxing sort of smell, and I find myself starting to drift off, body becoming heavier as I relax further and further.

I'm in too deep with this one.

Arthur, I'm not letting you go any time soon.

Well, maybe when I'm sleeping, but I mean what I said figuratively.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions if you have them! I love reading them. They totally make my day :) Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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