Chapter 4

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Arthur's POV 

"Listen up," I call, standing on the conductor stand as my students rest in their designated seats, instruments clasped in nervously sweaty hands. "Today, the football team and cheerleaders are going to be sitting in and observing what we do in class. Then, tomorrow, they will join us in class."

A few of my students exchange glances with each other, obviously perturbed by the fact that people who are so different in personality and interest are going to be invading their personal space. I can't really blame them for feeling that way, though. I feel the same, as sad as it is to admit.

"We're going to do a few run throughs of our Christmas music, and if I feel like you guys are doing well enough, we're going to have a free day." I look at them all with a grin as their faces light up.


"You're the best Mr. K!"


I laugh at their responses before ordering them to focus. With renewed vigor, they all stare at me expectantly, ready to play the music they've set out in front of them. I raise my baton and start tapping the beat of the common time music. They take note of the time with their feet, which will help them stay at the correct pace for their music. I start conducting waving my arms in the correct pattern for the current time the music is in, and they start playing along, their eyes flickering between the notes of their music and myself.

I spot a few errors in the different sections. I barely notice the sound of the entry doors opening and shutting. Stepping down from the small raised platform I was atop, I make my way around the different instruments. The trumpets are too high, so I take my hand and raise it into the air, slowly lowering it as I make eye contact with the students. They immediately obey, sounding much better than before.

They do well for the most part. I have to correct a few fingerings on various instruments and adjust their various tuning slides or other parts. Still, they're quite the talented bunch. They finish the song without anyone cutting off too late or too early, and I feel my lips spread with a proud smile.

"There's a few kinks that need to be worked out," I state, grinning proudly, causing a few of the students to beam in pride. "But that was bloody fantastic!' I laugh, proud and clapping for them excitedly.

"Does that mean we get a free day?" Sarah, a freckled brunette with glasses (who is also the third chair trumpet) asks excitedly, causing the other students to murmur amongst themselves. She's a lovely asexual girl that everyone seeems to adore, being super friendly and helpful.

I pretend to think it over for a moment, humming softly to myself. I nod and laugh as they spring up from their seats as if they're springs being released from whatever is keeping them coiled. Chaos erupts as they hurriedly put their instruments back in their cases or get into small groups for jam sessions. 

"Uh, the class isn't over," one of the football players calls out.

I turn around to find the jocks and cheerleaders spread amongst the velvet seats that are built into the floor. Alfred is sitting in the front row with a bored, almost angry, expression on his face. He definitely doesn't want to be here, and I don't exactly enjoy his presence either.

The young man that called out to me seems to be one of the nicer students, simply being confused. I smile kindly, probably taking him by surprise. No one expects me to be super nice and friendly, but I'm different when I'm in my own element.

"If they do a good enough job on a concert piece, they get the rest of the day off to do with what they wish," I say with a shrug. "Usually we have a few performances and jam sessions."

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