Chapter 5

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Alfred's POV

"Wait," I order throwing my hands up in confusion. "Arthur Kirkland is going to sing?" I can feel my eyes widen with shock. No one has ever heard him sing, not in our class anyway. It was sort of like an urban legend when he and I were in school.

"Yes," Antonio says excitedly, and surprisingly, my students go silent, awaiting the legendary sound. Even among the students now, his voice is thought of as some sort of illusive animal. I just hope that he doesn't let us down.

The lights on the stage dim, focusing the brightest light on the music teacher as he starts playing notes softly on the piano. I recognize the song immediately: Skin by Sixx AM. It's safe to say that he has the notes down, too.

When he starts to sing, it's safe to say that I'm in awe. I didn't think his voice was actually as beautiful as everyone said it was.

"Paint yourself a picture of what you wish you looked like. Maybe then, they just might feel an ounce of your pain. Come into focus. Step out of the shadows. It's a losing battle. There's no need to be ashamed..."

I smile softly as he plays, singing the lyrics softly into a microphone that sits atop the piano. The light shining down upon him gives him this strangely angelic look, and it fits him. I've never really noticed how angelic and soft his features were until now.

"'Cause they don't even know you. All they see is scars; they don't see the angel living in your heart. Let them find the real you, buried deep within, and let them know with all you've got that you are not your skin. Oh... Oh..."

The choice in song slowly starts to make me wonder about the intention behind it. He's the kind of man that always says things with a double meaning, and I can't help but wonder why he's chosen this song. Who is this for?

"And when they start to judge you, show them your true colors, and do one to others as you'd have done to you. Just rise above this. Kill them with your kindness. Ignorance is blindness. They're the ones that stand to lose... 'Cause they don't even know you. All they see is scars. They don't see the angel living in your heart. Let them find the real you, buried deep within, and let them know with all you've got that you are not your skin."

The drums slowly roll up with a crescendo, and string instruments I can't be bothered to name start to play, adding much more effect to the song. It gives it a dramatic flare as well as makes it more like the original song, which reminds me how much Arthur sounds like the original singer. It's rather beautiful. Along with the pick up of the music, he belts out a note that he miraculously carries on for what seems like ages, voice staying strong and on key through the entire thing.

"Well, they don't even know you. All they see is scars! And they don't see the angels living in your heart! So, let them find the real you, buried deep within! Let them know with all you've got...that you...are not... you are not... your skin... oh... oh..." The music slowly fades out, along with the lights. God, music kids are so dramatic, but it was extremely effective. I'm practically in tears, and I have to wipe away small tears that have built up in my eyes, discreetly of course.

"That was amazing," I admit sheepishly, and Michelle gives me a teary-eyed smile. 

"Wasn't it?" She sighs and shakes her head as if she can't believe something so beautiful exists. "His voice is really as amazing as the rumors say. Gosh, that was so cool!"

Arthur's POV

As the lights and music slowly, I take in deep breaths, definitely needed to calm my nerves. That was terrifying, in all honesty. I can hear excited murmurs among the students, mine and Alfred's alike, and it's flattering, hearing all the comments that they whisper to each other when they're impressed with something.

"How was I?" I ask, addressing the Italian twins, Lovino and Feliciano.

"You were totally fantastic, Mr. Arthur, sir!" Feli replies, giving me a salute whilst grinning. His stray brown curl bounces as he jumps up and down in excitement.

His brother, with a curl that points the opposite direction, nods stiffly in agreement. "I guess you weren't horrible," he tells me, shrugging as he glares at anything and everything. God, they're like polar opposites, but they get along extremely well. It's a little weird.

"Brilliant," I return, letting a grin grace my lips. Lovino nods with a smirk as I step off of the stage. I receive congratulatory claps and whoops as I pass, but that's not what I'm looking for. Finally reaching who the song was for, I sit down next to them and watch as the stage is taken over by the students that want to perform. "How'd you like it?" I ask, giving Peter a small smile.

Peter is a sweet boy, a freshman, and he's got a very troubled past. His biological parents were abusive, and he ended up in the system for a few years. Now, he's finally been adopted, but he still has deep scars on his arms. They're from back then, when he was abused. He got low and even tried to commit suicide, but he's gotten better now and is one of the most cheerful people I know.

"That was wonderful," he says, hugging me as small streams of tears escape his bright blue eyes. "Thanks, Dad," he murmurs, voice muffled by the clothing he's buried his face into.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that I'm the one who adopted him.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions! I love reading them :) Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update. Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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