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  As The8 was driving back, he felt a uneasy feeling in his gut. It wasn't until he parked his bike. A girl approached him. "I told you to stay away from Junhui oppa." She glared at him.

  "I'm dating Jun, your please just accept the fact your Oppa is now taken." The8 said as he tried to stay calm. "Well, let's just say I. WARNED. YOU." She said before storming off in the other direction.

  With a heavy sigh The8 tore off his helmet and locked up his bike. Was he going to get cussed at everytime when he was in public.

  As he unlocked the front door of his house. He gasped as he dropped his stuff in horror. The floor was covered in broken glass, someone had smashed his front window. Everything was thrown off the walls merely destroyed.

  It only got worse. The deeper The8 went into his house, the more destroyed things he say. Everything throughout the small hallway was scattered across floor, old photos of him were torn.

  Litterly every peice of clothing where scattered and cut up across The8's floor. He was at a loss of words, who would do such a thing. He was pulled out his thoughts when he heard a loud banging noise, from right outside.

  2 masked girls where smashing The8's bike with god damn metal bats. They just giggle and quickly ran off when they saw The8 standing in his doorway. Slowly The8 made his way over to dented and chip painted bike.

  That was it, The8 couldn't hold it in any longer. He fell down to his knees as he sobbed into his hands. It was a truly heartbreaking scene to witness.

  Slowly The8 pulled out his phone and dialed Jun's number. "Hello? The8?" It was Kun who was on the other line. "Pick me up." The8 cried out. "Okay! Uhh where are you?" Kun asked in a panicked and worried tone.

  "I'm at my house." The8 sniffles handing up. It wasn't long before Kun pulled up and raced up to the boy. "What happened?" Kun asked looking from the boy to his equally wrecked bike. "Someone broke in. And-And ruined everything." The8 hiccups.

  All it took was one look at the house for Kun to go into full mom mode. "Into the car." He says as he pulls The8 off the concert into his car. They then alerts the police, and fills them in on the current situation.

  He did have to go drop The8 off at Jun's house though, but promised to be right back. "Jun is at dance practice. But I'll inform him of your arrival." Kun says pulling up infront of Jun's house, and hands him a spare key.

  "He'll be home in 10 minutes." Kun smiels and The8 softly thanks him.

I'm F**king Cool With It (Junhao)Where stories live. Discover now