Something About You

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Your personality: You're a little condescending and sarcastic as hell but you'd do anything to protect your friends. You're very competitive and your ego can almost compare itself to Katsuki Bakugou's, especially because you've almost never been defeated in a fight before. You're also slightly sadistic and pretty crazy. But surprisingly enough, you're amazing with babies but hate children you don't know. Interesting, right? Also, you swear A LOT.

Hero nemesis: Endeavor because your quirks are polar opposites and that makes him eager to arrest you and you eager to kill him.


Name: Ice

Description: You can create ice from any part of your body and use it to freeze something or to create a weapon. It's an extremely powerful quirk, even deadlier than Todoroki's and you can freeze something as big as a skyscraper.

After-effects: You can use your quirk as often as you want in little doses without after-effects but if you use too much, you can freeze yourself and unless Dabi is with you to warm you, you can end up with fractured bones but your own quirk can never kill you.

Your villain name: Dark Frost

Combat: You can freeze something from a big distance or create ice weapons, so you're good at both close combat and long-distance fighting, and that makes you deadly.


You used to want to be a pro hero but because of your powerful quirk, people often made fun of you and called you a villain. Eventually, you'd lose your temper and activate your quirk, seriously hurting your victims. And once, when you were ten years old, you killed your classmate because you couldn't take his insults anymore. After that, you ran away from home and lived on the street, killing and stealing for a living, and as you grew older, you got better and better, getting enough money for a flat and officially becoming a villain.

When you heard about the League of Villains, you decided to join them, for no particular reason. But then you got very close to them and now the LOV is basically your family.

My Hero Academia Villain Dating ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora