Overhaul As Your Boyfriend

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There's a moment of silence. Your comrades and the unwelcome guests all stare at each other. A silent growl escapes your lips as you create two ice daggers in your hands, ready to attack at any moment.

"Alright..." Shigaraki's raspy voice finally echoes through the halls. "We can work together. Only for this one time though." You narrow your eyes and relax a little. The brown-haired male with a long beak for a mask nods, his eyes ever so slightly shrinking in what you suspect is a sly smile.

"He killed Big Sis!" Toga snarles, jumping up from her seat and glowering at the man. "I won't work with a man who killed one of my own!"

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll let you kill one of my men." The man, who goes by Overhaul, suggests. You flinch in surprise at the odd offer. Was he really going to let Himiko kill off one of his loyal servants just to even the score?

"This alliance is important to me." He goes on, "And besides, I have many men. What's the life of one to sacrifice for this?" Psycho... You think to yourself, scrunching your nose and lowering your chin. Toga seems surprised by the suggestion as well, but wastes no time stalking over to him. Even though Overhaul is a head taller, she doesn't let that intimidate her.

"Idiot." She spits, "I don't need to kill one of your minions to feel like it's even. Big Sis isn't replaceable like that. And the fact that you'd sacrifice your own men just for some stupid deal with villains you don't even know makes me trust you even less."

Overhaul frowns at her but doesn't move a muscle. It's as if he knows that if he as much as takes a step forward, no one would hesitate to attack. Silence fills the room again, Overhaul's minions not even daring to take a breath.

Eventually, a deep chuckle escapes his lips. "Fair enough, Himiko Toga." He says, stepping away from her but keeping his gaze trained on her, just in case. "I understand your concern. I will try my best to gain your trust."

Toga just rolls her eyes and goes back to her seat, scoffing angrily. You can't help but smile at how intimidating she can be. "The deal is settled." Shigaraki hisses. "We will meet again in a week to discuss the plan."

And with that, he stalks off, Toga and the others close behind him. Just as you're about to follow them, a strong arm hits the wall in front of you, blocking your way. You don't need to look to know who it is.

"What do you want, Chisaki?" You hiss, glaring at him with shining eyes. "You got your stupid deal."

"It's not that..." He examines you, his eyes flying over your body. You can't help but shift your weight, suddenly feeling uneasy.

"8:30 in the morning tomorrow. Here. Don't be late." With that, he turns and begins to stalk away. You scoff, crossing your arms. "What makes you think I'll come?" You growl at him.

"You will." He says simply, not even bothering to look over his shoulder at you. "I know you will."

At first, you're disgusted by how condescending and proud he sounds. But a little part of you can't help but feel fascinated by him, how he speaks, thinks, carries himself... You decide to listen to him. What's the worst that can happen?


Shigaraki: Having Y/N close to bird-face may benefit us. She'll be the first to know if he plans on betraying us. I just hope he doesn't try and convince her to leave us... (Was that a hint of sadness in his voice?)

Kurogiri: As long as Y/N trusts Chisaki, there is no need for us to fear anything. I know that she would always choose us, her family, over anyone else. (Adorably trusting, as always.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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