Dabi As Your Boyfriend

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You're walking through the dark alleyway, on your way to the League of Villains' bar, playing Plants and Zombies on your phone, and paying no attention to your surroundings. You pass the corner and head through another dark alley when something jumps you and your back slams into the wall behind you. You cry out in surprise, your phone flying through the air and landing on the ground with a thud, while you spin around, ice daggers already forming in your hands.

"Sweet-cheeks..." Dabi smirks at you, his hands leaned on the wall on either side of your head. "Shitface..." You snarl back and lower your weapons, "The hell do you want?" The black-haired man clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Do I have to want something to be allowed to talk to a fellow villain?" He says, and you just roll your eyes and try to push him off, but he doesn't budge. "Your eyes are beautiful." He compliments you with the same condescending smile as always.

"Your face is looking extra shitty today." You say, grinning and slightly tilting your head to the side and raising your shoulders in a more innocent look. He raises an eyebrow. "I want you and you want me, too." He says, raising a hand and running his knuckles down your cheek. (Yes, I stole this from the song! Muahahahahaaaa!) You shy away from him, growing red in the face, and try to slip under his arm but he lifts your chin up, stopping you. "I don't!" You deny his sudden confession but Dabi just chuckles. "Nah."

He wraps an arm around your waist then kisses you and without thinking, you immediately return the kiss. Damn, You think to yourself, eyes still closed. He's going to tease me about me giving in. I'll never hear the end of it.


Shigaraki: Dabi's a bastard. But she makes him happy and they're a good team. As long as neither of them begins to put each other before the League, I'm alright with it. (Or maybe he's just jealous, ya never know!)

Kurogiri: It's true, they make an excellent team, and together, they are practically unstoppable. But they take their relationship very seriously and I do hope that it never affects their dedication to the League. (Secretly, he ships you but it wouldn't be Kurogiri if he said that in front of Shiggy...)

Toga: EEK! So cute! It's love! I can't wait to be the aunt of the baby! (Dabi: Now hold on there...)

Twice: Happy side - They swear at each other a lot but then have a makeout session immediately afterward and it sometimes confuses the hell out of us! But other than that, they're both so happy together and it's adorable! (He genuinely ships you.) Dark side - Damn, he beat me to her. That bastard...


Living with Dabi is very interesting and takes a lot of patience. You two share a bed and made the great mistake of also having one blanket and you fight over it all the time. Your bedroom is constantly a mess because your beloved boyfriend doesn't bother to clean it from time to time and leaves that to you. When it comes to fighting with heroes, he never leaves your side unless he's completely sure you can win and the lives of your fellow villains are at stake. You talk to males all the time but if they as much as accidentally brush their hand against yours, they're dead, sometimes quite literally...


He likes to hold you close because it makes him feel like he'll never lose you and damn right he won't!

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He likes to hold you close because it makes him feel like he'll never lose you and damn right he won't!


Dabi teases you a lot, at least twice a day, mostly about your height because you're shorter than him or he'd be sarcastic the entire day and you just can't tell if he's serious or not.


Yours for him: Shitface, Bastard and eventually, Honey

His for you: He mostly calls you Frosty and Sweet-cheeks and it annoyed you at first but you've learned to live with that


"Oh, my god." 

You sit on one of the stools in the LOV bar, your arms crossed and your feet not even touching the ground. You scowl as the members stare down at you, some in shock, some in amusement and some in disgust. You narrow your eyes and flick your long hair over your shoulder.

"So?" You hiss, "Can you fix me?" While you'd been on a mission with Spinner, a new hero had caught you off guard and turned you into a little child. Now, you were just waiting on how Kurogiri was planning on turning you back into an adult. It's uncomfortable and being weird being as short as when you were 5 and staring up at everyone else. Especially Himiko, you were normally taller than her by half a head but now she's the one glaring down at you.

"You're so cute!" Her voice suddenly rings out, triggering Dabi. "Come on." He hisses as he grabs you by the hand and pulls you off the stool, almost making you fall over. He drags you out of the bar, ignoring the quiet snickers of Shigaraki and Mr. Compress as you hobble behind your boyfriend, just barely keeping up with him.

"Damn these short legs!" You growl then immediately burst out laughing at your own comment. A little smirk tugs at the corner of your boyfriend's lips but he quickly puts on a stoic face again. "Let's not make this weird." He tucks his hands into his pockets and shrugs, glaring down at you as you place your hands on your hips to try and look more serious.

"You're right." You agree. "I can't think of anything normal to do..." Dabi announces, making a face. "Let's just go to my apartment and watch TV. I'm sure the quirk will wear off in a few hours." You nod and follow him back to his place, grateful.


"But what if we-" You begin to explain your battle tactic to Shigaraki when someone's strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. You lean back on his chest but then stop when you see the look on Tomura's face. Even though he has the hand covering it, you can still tell he's wary and displeased. Moreover, the touch of the man behind you doesn't exactly feel like Dabi's.

"Twice..." Shigaraki says simply, making it look like he's talking to the villain but you know he's secretly letting you know who's behind you. "Yes?" You feel the man's breath on your neck and try to shove him away but he doesn't budge. In your anger, you unconsciously begin to create ice daggers. That son of a-

The strong grip around your waist suddenly loosens and you spin around, Tomura pulling you away and you soon realize why. Toga and Kurogiri, who are sitting behind the counter, don't dare move either. "The hell was that, you damn bastard?" Dabi, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, says in a calm, yet dangerous voice, circling around the other villain, blue flames already coiling around his arms. Twice, who's currently without his mask, smirks and raises his arms in defeat, knowing damn well he could never take on your boyfriend. "Sorry." He says calmly but it's clear he's trying his best not to snap at him. "Must've been my other side..."

"Then, I suggest you learn to control your other side." Dabi hisses, venom practically dripping from every word. "Fast..." His eyes glow even more than usual and you decide you have to step in before the two of them kill each other. "Enough!" You growl, raising your hands, mist filling the entire bar. That forces Dabi to stop using his fire.

Without a word, Twice leaves the bar in seconds and Toga and Kurogiri both breathe out in relief. "Thanks, Tomura." You say to Shigaraki, grateful for his help. Dabi still looks like he wants to kill someone, so you skip over to him and hug him tight around the neck. "If that bastard ever tries anything like that again..." he says quietly, so only you hear him, "I'm going to kill him and no one will even find the body."

"But Dad, I love him!" You exclaim, quickly pulling away and Dabi stares at you, surprised and confused. "And I oop-" and with that, you run away, giggling, while he chases you.

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