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Name: Ebony Mather (if the situation calls for her to be male then her name would be Ethan Mather, still going by Archer) (also, her brother called her Bonnie sometimes, she hasn't let anyone else call her that since his death)
Role: Archer
Role Implications: a lot like Sniper, just kinda shoots stuff with a bow. Usually works as backup though. She can usually be found in a high place or swinging around with her grappler. Her emblem/symbol thing is a bow and arrow, obviously.
Weapon: obviously a bow. It has several kinds of arrows, her favorite bring the explosive one. But also a dagger that's concealed in the left boot. She also has smoke bombs and a grappling hook.
Team: Red
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi with a male preference
Age: ~28 (Peter is 5 years older than her) (This can also change depending on who her crush is. Like if it were Heavy then I'd probably change her age to about 32-35 and Heavy's to about 40-45)
Height: 5'6
Weight: ~125 lbs
Birthday: 9/18/XXXX
Appearance: one chocolate brown eye, one milky blue eye with a scar through it. Pale skin. Dark brown hair, shaved on both sides, longer on top but swooped to the right. Very lean, a runner's/dancer's body. Has a flat chest because she got top surgery, visible scar from it. She has a blue jay tattooed on her right ankle and angel wings tattooed on her back. Her voice is like the girl that plays Scout in Medics Don't Heal Scouts by Random Encounters.
Strength: speed, agility, accuracy, coordination, stealth, endurance
Weakness: strength, communication
Outfit: see above, but also below :3

 Strength: speed, agility, accuracy, coordination, stealth, endurance Weakness: strength, communication Outfit: see above, but also below :3

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The brown parts will be red or blue depending on her team, and her logo is a bow and arrow and is located on the right thigh of the outfit. During combat she almost always has wireless headphones on to listen to music. It's a purple/black flannel and jeans when she isn't in combat, sometimes a black hoodie with the same mouth guard as above. She wears her brother's old red hoodie (broken zipper, cigarette burns, everything) with sleep shorts when she sleeps, his scent keeps her calm.
Personality: timid on the surface but lively and fun around friends, deadly serious when necessary, terrifying when provoked. Super confident but has no idea how to respond to flirting, she's got just the right amount of sass. A nice balance of nerd and punk. She can be a bit uptight at times. She's nor manipulative but she's incredibly skilled at reading people and using them if needed, she hates using people though. She's super goofy and kind to the people she lets in.
Talents: singing, drawing, archery, gymnastics, hacking, guitar, wood carving, clothing crafting (she makes all her own clothes), deception (though she hates lying to people, at least people she doesn't hate), scaring people
Likes: books, storms, music (except country), art, playing guitar, her bow (she will actually beat you if you mess with her bow, kinda like Heavy with his gun), stars, night time in general, snow, secretly loves hugging/cuddling
Dislikes: bullying, crowds, alcohol (she doesn't have a problem with others drinking, she just hates it when people are blackout drunk and refuses to drink herself), the ocean, spiders
Languages/Accent: native English speaker from America. Also speaks German, Italian, and Russian. And knows American Sign Language.
Secrets: not much. Just her crush, the fact that her thighs are the only ticklish part of her body, and her dancing/singing. She doesn't open up and let people in often so several of her traits are 'secrets' for a while.
Place of Origin: Nashville, Tennessee. She never really got into culture though, just kinda learned her skills alone. And she doesn't have a noticeable accent.
Extra Facts:
-she's not afraid to die to protect the ones she loves, she would gladly throw her life away if it meant saving a loved one
-her favorite song is Thank You by MKTO, closely followed by Not Another Song About Love by Hollywood Ending, closely followed by Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan.
-She's constantly butting heads with Scout, they take it a bit farther than friendly competition, they don't hate each other but they don't like each other either.
-She still wears her brother's dog tags tucked under her shirt 24/7.
-she has amazing posture, like almost perfect
-She has clinical depression, she doesn't cut or anything but she feels unworthy of just about everything and tends to hide from people out of fear of losing them, this does not mean she is constantly hurting, just that she's slightly more unhappy than the average person, this does not define everyone with depression.
-She has a picture of her brother that she talks to instead of keeping a diary.
-She doesn't eat that much, not because of anorexia, just because she was trained to eat minimally while she was in Russia and because people always stole her lunch money as a kid.
-She's infertile, the bomb that killed her brother gave her radiation poisoning, she survived but she lost her child making abilities, she doesn't mind much though as a child was never her plan anyway.
-She owns a wolf plush named Alpha that her brother gave her when she was 15, he said it was because she was like a wolf, strong alone and in a pack, but also loving and cuddly, he originally gave it to her because the battlefield terrified her and he couldn't always be there to comfort her.
-She took a human anatomy class in grade school, and she remembers the best places to hit to do some damage, although if you ask her to dissect something then she will nope the hell outta there.
-Her blue (scarred) eye tends to twitch if she starts getting flustered or angry, and if you pay close attention you'll notice that it'll twitch before she starts blushing.
-She has double jointed shoulders.
-While in the military base, Sergeant Marina practically adopted her, giving Ebony a motherly role, which she really needed at that age, especially when she spent her time in a camp with all men and her real mother wasn't there for her.
-Her grandmother is still alive and well in her home town, she's always been proud of Ebony through everything that's happened. Now you may be wondering, why did Ebony live on the streets after her brother died? Well that's because her parents took off and her grandmother couldn't let Ebony stay in a retirement home. Ebony is in constant touch with her grandmother, and she hopes to visit her a lot, same with the orphans.
-she's very close with Sniper for several reasons: understanding sniping and archery, not receiving parental support, etc.
-Soldier is like a father to her, well once he accepted that girls can fight just as well as guys after she kicked his ass in a sparring match and proved her worth on the battlefield
-people often ask her if she's trans, to the point where it occasionally gets on her nerves. She has nothing against trans people but she doesn't like people constantly questioning her gender. Yes she has a flat chest, yes she has short hair, yes she fights for a living, YES she is comfortable in her femininity
-she is incredibly lean (with a runner/gymnast body) and is not at all buff. She uses her brains, wit, and speed to win fights.
-her favorite song to train to is Immortals by Fall Out Boy. Then if she wants to tease enemies during battle she'll start playing Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy
(The drawing below was made by @kinnaraJ )

 Then if she wants to tease enemies during battle she'll start playing Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy(The drawing below was made by @kinnaraJ )

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